Ranorex Parallel Runner is a command-line tool that allows you to run a test across multiple capability sets on a Selenium Grid through a WebDriver endpoint in parallel. The tool reads the capability sets from an Excel template file.
This tool is located in the Bin folder of your Ranorex installation. By default, this is C:Program Files (x86)RanorexBinRanorex.ParallelRunner.exe
It’s a good idea to run the tool with –help for the first time to display all available arguments:
Under the Usage: header, the three different use cases for the tool and the required arguments are listed.
Ranorex.ParallelRunner.exe -c []
To get started, you’ll need to specify a set of capabilities. To do so, use this argument to create the required Excel template. You can specify a location and filename if desired. By default, the file will be created in the Bin folder and called CapabilitiesMatrix.xlsx. Follow the instructions in the Excel file and define your capabilities.
Ranorex.ParallelRunner.exe -t -m -e [-o ]
Use this argument pattern to run your test with the defined capability sets on the specified WebDriver endpoint in parallel. The –o argument is optional. If you don’t specify a path, the Parallel Runner will generate a folder called parallelRuns in the folder where the test suite executable is located.
Ranorex.ParallelRunner.exe -m -p [-j]
Use this argument pattern to permutate an Excel template file and display all the configurations resulting from the capability sets defined in the Excel file. The -j argument is optional and transforms the output into JSON which can be entered in the Capabilities JSON text box of a ⇢WebDriver endpoint’s configuration in Ranorex Studio.