Ranorex 4.1.6 Release (March 25, 2014)
General changes/Features
- Added support for Firefox 29
- Added support for Firefox 28
- Fixed an issue that web elements in Chrome stay valid after a page refresh although they are not
- Fixed Chrome getting unresponsive if a custom user agent ID is used and Ranorex searches for web elements
- Fixed the “HasFocus” attribute for Firefox input elements being “false” all the time
- Fixed screen rectangle calculation for web elements in deeply nested IFrames in IE9
- Fixed Ranorex not starting up if the current user does not have access to the common app (%PROGRAMDATA%) directory
Ranorex 4.1.5 Release (January 29, 2014)
General changes/Features
- Added support for Firefox 27
- Fixed the Visible property of iOS elements falsely returning true in most cases
- Fixed USB support for iOS devices connected to machines running Windows 8.1
- Fixed the generation of touch inputs to gesture recognizers on iOS
- Fixed Chrome DOM object not being recognized when some JavaScript popups are shown
- Fixed GDI/RawText recognition failing for some GDK based applications
- Fixed dependency issues with AUTs using NLog when GDI/RawText is enabled
- Fixed the “Run to here” functionality in the test suite to not respect the selected data range
- Fixed Excel connector asking to save changes if the Excel file contains dynamically changing data
- Fixed Studio getting unresponsive when adding references depending on unresolvable assemblies
- Fixed Studio possibly getting unresponsive if the project contains escaped class names, e.g. if recordings have
names conflicting with programming language keywords
- Fixed merging of recording actions with comments to user code causing a compile error
- Fixed private methods of base classes being available in child recordings for user code actions
- Improved mouse wobbling when recording over Remote Desktop connections (with asynchronous input dispatching turned on)
- Fixed the recorder generating mouse Up/Down instead of Click actions (with asynchronous input dispatching turned off)
Ranorex 4.1.4 Release (December 11, 2013)
General changes/Features
- Added support for Android 4.4
- Enabled instrumentation for Chrome 32 and newer
- Fixed geometry of elements in Chrome if zoom is not set to 100%
- Fixed DOM objects in Chrome being invalid after calling WebDocument.Navigate
Ranorex 4.1.3 Release (November 28, 2013)
General changes/Features
- Added support for Firefox 26
- Added support for Chrome 32 and newer
- Made “Auto-Bind” and “Clear Bindings” functionality available on global test suite Setup/Teardown modules
- Fixed the debugger sometimes not correctly setting the focus to Ranorex Studio and back to the AUT on pause/resume
- Fixed issue that the currently executed line is not correctly marked when pausing in the debugger
- Read-only projects can now be removed from solutions
- Fixed escaping of VB.Net keywords in repository item names when generating code for mobile recorder actions
- Fixed the “Close Application” action closing the browser instead of the current tab if multiple tabs are open and the “Grace Period” property is set to a value greater than zero
- Fixed the drag & drop replacing of a repository item linked to an action not working reliably
- Fixed two rare unhandled exceptions thrown in the recorder validation dialog
- Fixed issue where you could not delete recorder action screenshots because the “Delete” button would always be disabled
- Fixed editing RanoreXPaths of repository items in Spy if their rooted folders are not unique
- Fixed an unhandled exception in the RanoreXPath Weight Rules editor when adding and removing multiple rules
- Improved memory consumption when creating snapshots
- Fixed the highlighting functionality not always being correctly toggled in Spy
- Fixed issue that imported Ranorex settings were not always correctly saved
- Fixed recognition of images and their accessibility labels on iOS 7
- Fixed recognition of accessibility labels for UITextField and UITextView controls on iOS
- Events (UITextFieldTextDidChangeNotification) are now correctly fired when setting the value of UITextField and UITextView controls on iOS
- Fixed an unexpected connection loss to instrumented iOS apps occurring on a UI refresh
- Fixed replaying long touches on iOS 7 not working reliably
- Fixed instrumentation of Android apps containing classes with (full) class names longer than 260 characters
- Fixed getting the “placeholder” attribute of web input tags in IE 10
- Fixed the Excel connector not retrieving any data if there is only one cell in the sheet
- Fixed recognition of JTable content cells underneath columns
Ranorex 4.1.2 Release (October 25, 2013)
General changes/Features
- Added instrumentation support for Android apps containing custom resources
- Fixed performance issues in the test suite associated with data connectors and the Excel data connector in particular
- Fixed recording dirty state not being correctly updated if the corresponding repository is opened in a separate Studio view
- Fixed a rare case where repository items could be marked as unused by the cleanup mechanism after renaming
- Fixed an unhandled exception in the Excel data connector when the file to open is corrupt or invalid
- Fixed iOS UISwitch elements not having the IosUielement capability
- Fixed “Edit in Spy” not working correctly in the standalone recorder
- Fixed parsing of DLLs containing attributes with object arguments causing an ArgumentOutOfRangeException written to output window
Known issues
- If renaming a dirty repository within a TFS controlled solution and choosing to undo local changes, the new repository source code file is marked for deletion after renaming
Ranorex 4.1.1 Release (September 27, 2013)
General changes/Features
- Added support for iOS 7
- Added support for Firefox 24
- Added support for Firefox 25
- Added possibility to specify additional window classes to be regarded as Java windows
- Fixed memory issues and performance problems in Studio (noticeable in solutions containing a lot of modules)
- Fixed Project properties in Studio staying disabled after running a test suite or replaying a recording
- The Code Generation and Report Viewer settings showing up under two categories in the options in Ranorex Studio are now synchronized
- Fixed “NullReferenceException” that occurred when checking in or renaming folders in TFS controlled solutions
- Fixed local file states when only checking in a subset of changed files in TFS controlled solutions
- Fixed automatic namespace change deleting the starting brace if the “{” character is on the same line as the namespace declaration
- The “Rename” context menu entry for dependent files (e.g. recording code files) within Ranorex Studio is now disabled correctly
- Fixed renaming of code references when renaming a screenshot in the repository
- Renaming a repository item in code (using refactoring) now correctly renames the corresponding repository entry
- Fixed problems with finding references of repository items in legacy repositories with screenshots
- Fixed badly formatted code comment (missing “>” char) for repository item info members
- Repository items are no longer renamed when moving them inside a repository folder
- Fixed an exception thrown if you try to add an element from a snapshot to a repository
- Fixed a rare ObjectDisposedException when Spy is open in Ranorex Studio and you close a dialog
- Reintroduced “Edit Path Weights” link in Spy Overview tab to allow rules for dynamic attributes
- Improved drag & drop from repository to the last position in the recorder
- Fixed the size of the drop down in the “Edit Click Location” dialog to make all screenshot names visible
- Fixed handling of dots (“.”) in data source column names by disallowing data binding for those columns only
instead of not loading the entire data source
- The currently selected data source in the test case properties is now immediately updated again if you edit
the data source using the Manage Data Sources dialog
- Fixed selection issues after renaming a column in a simple data source
- Fixed possible exception occurring when converting a pre-4.0 report XSL template with an invalid file name to the current template format
- Calling “DataContext.SetRange(0, 0)” within a user code module no longer results in an endless loop
- The current data range is no longer cleared when trying to edit it in the test case properties
- Fixed a few UI issues in the Ranorex tools when Windows is run in high-contrast mode
- Fixed “Jump to item” in report not working for user code actions if you previously jumped to a non-user code action
- Fixed the report always displaying the initial values of test suite parameters (not the last value)
- Improved misleading warning message claiming that the report data file is missing when in fact the XSL file is missing
- Fixed report not being copied to the Reports folder if one of the referenced files cannot be copied
- Improved Excel plugin performance, flickering, and object recognition when popups are open
- Fixed cause of compile error “duplicate symbol _DegreesToRadians” when linking the iOS library
- Fixed firewall warnings that could pop up if you have iOS devices connected via USB
- Fixed getting/setting the text of SAP “GuiOkCodeField” combo boxes
- Fixed geometry issues for HTML elements inside modal dialog windows in Safari
- Fixed a performance issue with PopupWatcher instances
Ranorex 4.1.0 Release (August 07, 2013)
Major features
- Improved usability in Ranorex Studio work flows for editing RanoreXPaths
- Improved the RanoreXPath generation algorithm to make it more robust to changes
- Added USB connection for iOS devices allowing continuous integration (deployment, starting, and stopping of apps)
General changes/Features
- Added object recognition support for Windows 8.1 Preview apps
- Improved screenshot navigation in Ranorex Spy
- Improved the layout of Spy, Recorder, and the Repository
- Improved usability in the Module Browser (multiple selection and renaming of modules)
- The Validation Dialog now allows selecting an element to validate from the element tree
- Module Groups can now have folders within them
- By default, the duration of recorded actions is now set from the timings in the recorder configuration (instead of “real” time)
- The Recorder now supports “Play To Here”
- The repository now features a screenshot for newly added items
- The repository now allows most operations when dragging & dropping items to different folders
- The default repository is now marked bold in the Project browser
- Studio now provides forward/backward navigation in the Ranorex specific editors/views
- Pressing F1 in code files will now open the respective Ranorex API documentation for the selected class/method
- The test suite now allows global Setup/TearDown sections
- Projects targeting the .Net 4.5 framework target can now be built and referenced
- Assembly references in project files are no longer updated automatically if they contain the “SpecificVersion” tag
- Terminating the test process with the debugger (stop-button) or by closing the console window now causes the Report to be saved
- Pressing Ctrl+C now closes the console window if a debugger is attached
- Added the possibility to select an arbitrary range of rows within a data source for execution
- The Test Suite Runner now allows changing data ranges and local/global parameter values
- Studio now supports displaying all test modules referencing a member (repository item, variable) and all
references to a module from a test suite or module group
- Users are now warned when opening a file from a higher version or different major version of Ranorex
- Performance and stability of source control integration has been improved
- Added icons for HTML capabilities
- WebDocument elements now include a detailed browser version (“BrowserVersion” attribute)
- The ExecuteScript method on WebDocuments now returns the value returned by the script
- The ExecuteScript method is now also available on Frame and IFrame elements.
- Added support for UIAutomation elements of non-WPF windows natively implementing UIA (enabled in settings dialog)
- Mobile devices can now be managed through the settings dialog (or the settings tool on runtime installations)
- New samples for mobile devices are now available (Android/iOS)
- iOS automation performance has been improved
- WebDocuments on iOS now support unique id search feature (like the desktop browsers)
- Added the iOS “Accessibility ID” attribute to IosElements for better object recognition
- Improved support for extended iOS UI controls
- Added support for the ActionBarSherlock on Android
- The Ranorex Android Service app is now automatically deployed via USB when a mobile device is added
- Version mismatch warnings between Ranorex and instrumented apps / RxBrowser / service app are now only shown if they are no longer compatible
- Recordings targeting mobile devices are now displayed with a separate icon in Studio
- Spy now shows the current mouse position relative to the currently selected element
- Added Report.ProcessSummary which logs various process related statistics to the report (similar to SystemSummary)
- The assembly/project name a module belongs to is now shown in the report
- Added a setting to enable/disable warnings for unbound variables
- User plugins are now also loaded from the executing application path “Plugins” subdirectory (for xcopy deployment)
- Added a “Children” property to the RepoItemInfo class, allowing for easier repository tree navigation in code
- Improved background image/screenshot capture functionality
- Fixed Flex object recognition for swf files with player version >= 15
- Fixed tracking/scaling issue with Firefox 23 when desktop dpi is set to 120 or higher
- Removed misleading warning for unbound variables when those variables are bound to constant values in a module group
- Fixed a JavaScript issue in the Ranorex iOS Browser app which caused KeyUp events to be swallowed in some cases
- Fixed a bug which causes some Android apps not to be instrumented correctly
- EnsureVisible now works correctly if a WPF element is contained in multiple nested scroll viewers
- Searching by unique ids (# operator) in WebDocuments is now properly synchronized to the document “readystate”
- Fixed a bug which caused RanoreXPath “Find” methods to return duplicate elements in some rare cases
- Fixed a bug which caused RanoreXPath “Find/FindSingle” methods to take at least 50ms with zero timeout even when no element was found
- “Run selected test cases” in the Test Suite now takes ancestor data sources into account
- “Run to here” now works correctly in the Test Suite Runner
- The Test Suite Runner now shows an error message when no license is available instead of silently failing
- Copy and Paste of columns in the simple data connector now works correctly
- It is no longer allowed to add two file data sources with the same file name
- Fixed auto detection of file encoding in the CSV data connector
- Fixed a bug which caused absolute paths to data source files to be saved instead of project-relative ones when changing the “Include” setting
- Fixed a performance issue when refreshing Excel file data connectors
- Fixed a bug which caused copied data source files to remain linked to the project
- Users now get a warning in Studio if Excel data source column names contain dots “.” instead of an exception at runtime
- Fixed a bug in the “Manage Data Sources” dialog which caused the wrong data source to be deleted if the sorting order was changed
- Fixed a bug in the WinForms plugin which caused object recognition to fail if searching from within its own process and then another process
- The “Inherit” report level is now also shown when changing the report level in the “Properties” pad
- “Jump to Repository” now works correctly for User Code Modules
- Fixed a bug which caused drag and drop of repository items not to work if source and destination file are in different projects
- Deleting a user code file belonging to a recording no longer causes a compiler error
- Converting or merging disabled Recorder actions to user code now correctly generates disabled actions
- Opening very large generated code files in the code editor is now much faster
- Fixed a bug which caused recording replays not to start if the project app.config does not include the 4.0 runtime version
- The screenshot of Recorder actions is now removed if the bound repository item is changed
- Recorder now correctly uses the projects app.config when replaying recordings
- Validation actions in Recorder with “AttributeNotContains” now work correctly with text values containing newline characters
- Fixed a file permission issue with Report .rxlog and .rxlog.data files
- Including invalid unicode characters in report messages no longer breaks the report formatting
- Fixed a bug which caused reports with Cyrillic characters not to be copied correctly to the Reports directory
- Fixed a bug which caused “$’” character sequences in Reports to break formatting
- Fixed screenshot alignment issues in the Report
- Fixed an error which occurred when attaching the debugger to a process started from a network location
- The debugger watch pad now correctly shows values of nullable variables
- The SVN “Diff” menu item is now also shown on modules which are in “replaced” state
Breaking Changes (to 4.0)
- Report.LogData now sets the test module result in the same way Report.LogText does
-> calling Report.LogData now might cause a module to have a “Failed” result
- Removed obsolete PathBuildMode.SearchReduce and SearchReduceAppItem
-> Replaced by PathBuildMode.StepCostReduce
- Removed RxPath BuildSearchDepth setting (now always 1 for Reduce mode)
- Background screenshot now has a different size
-> was previously truncated to modulo 4 sizes
- android.widget.Horizontal/VerticalScrollView is now mapped to a “Container”
- The “UseFolderCaching” configuration parameter was removed and replaced by the “UseAppFolderCaching” parameters
-> rooted folders are now no longer cached by default
- WebDocument.ExecuteScript now returns a value
-> binary breaking change (recompile needed if method is used)
- Starting an iOS recording no longer resets the app to its initial state, but an explicit call to CloseApp does
Ranorex 4.0.6 Release (September 04, 2013)
General changes/Features
- Added support for Firefox 24
- Fixed tracking/scaling issue with Firefox 23 when desktop dpi is set to 120 or higher
- “Run to here” now works correctly in the Test Suite Runner
Ranorex 4.0.5 Release (July 08, 2013)
General changes/Features
- Added support for Firefox 22
- Added support for Firefox 23
- Image-based recording can now be enabled for mobile recordings
- Fixed a crash in instrumented iOS apps which use ‘nil’ as a key value when invoking NSLocalizedString
- Fixed the exception ‘Unrecognized selector length sent to instance of type UITextField’ in instrumented iOS apps
- Fixed the “View Code” functionality on non-user code actions in the recorder
- Fixed detection of user code methods inherited from a grandparent base class
- Fixed a rare case where recording actions were falsely linked to repository folders instead to items within them
- Fixed reports not showing the values of variables for each iteration
- Fixed minor cosmetic issues with the alignment of icons in reports
Ranorex 4.0.4 Release (May 24, 2013)
General changes/Features
- Added support for Firefox 21
- Custom report levels can now be selected in the test suite/test case properties
- Improved report performance in Internet Explorer if there are a large number of test cases/iterations
- Fixed a bug in the Java plugin which caused JTabbedPanel child tab visibility to be wrong in certain cases
- Fixed a bug which caused Android apps with public onResume methods not to be instrumented correctly
- Fixed Report screenshot vertical position being invalid for some browsers and window sizes
- Fixed Report display issues caused by invalid Unicode characters being logged
- Fixed wrapping of long repository item names in Report
- Fixed a bug which causes column order to be wrong for reordered columns when copy/pasting from a SimpleDataConnector
- Fixed a bug which caused an exception when image-validating an element which becomes invalid during validation
- Fixed a possible exception thrown when saving projects in Studio
- Fixed a possible exception in the debugger when closing Studio while debugging
- Fixed a possible exception when editing user code actions in a recording
- Resolved an issue with WinForms controls becoming invalid if their handle changed and the AUT process has low privileges
Ranorex 4.0.3 Release (April 12, 2013)
General changes/Features
- Added support for Firefox 20
- Added object recognition support for the Android action bar
- Ranorex Report is now displayed correctly in all supported browsers
- When Ranorex Studio needs to be restarted as admin, it now reopens the previously edited solution
- Fixed keyboard recording and abort key functionality when working remotely using VNC
- Fixed the separator recorder action to capture focus when trying to navigate over it with the keyboard
- Fixed inconsistency in formatting of values in RanoreXPaths for some attribute types (e.g. fonts)
- Fixed editing of concatenated attribute values in the advanced RanoreXPath editor
- Fixed Java tab panel visibility if selected index is not set correctly
- The “Visible” attribute is now correctly “false” for web elements with style “visibility: hidden” in all browsers
- Fixed object recognition for Chrome 27 and newer
- Fixed cause for “pointer being freed was not allocated” error occurring in some instrumented iOS apps
- Fixed an issue when instrumenting Android apps with complex activities
- Fixed a geometry issue for Android elements when switching between landscape and portrait mode
- Fixed communication exceptions showing up as Debug report messages caused by multiple started BitBridge processes
- Fixed report message being logged by the PopupWatcher.WatchAndClick method referencing the wrong repository item
- Fixed the initialization of the legacy 2.X report if Report.Setup is not called explicitly
- Fixed the legacy 2.X report not logging screenshots or snapshots any more
- Fixed Studio regarding all files with “.data” or no extension as reports and opening them if changed
- Fixed possible unhandled exception in the test suite editor when data sources are reloaded
- Fixed automatic update of namespaces in user code files on folder renaming
- Fixed some cases where the properties pad was not correctly updated when switching between views in Ranorex Studio
- Fixed rare exception being thrown by the debugger on breaking or stopping debugging
- Fixed debugger sometimes not reacting to “Step Over” and “Step Into” actions any more
- Fixed exception being thrown by the debugger if a source code file cannot be found
- Fixed Ranorex Studio hanging when showing the desktop (Win+D shortcut) and the internal Spy is currently in “Edit” mode
- Fixed problems in Ranorex Studio when adding items to project folders created in Visual Studio 2012
- Fixed possible exceptions when opening and working with a recording not belonging to a project in Studio
- Fixed an issue that Studio deleted code files of an external repository when linking it to a project
- Fixed long initial delay when opening the context menu in the “Projects” pad for a TFS source controlled solution
- Fixed possible exceptions in the SVN history view in Studio
- Improved performance of code generation in Ranorex Studio
- The new line characters \u2029 and \u2085 are now correctly escaped in generated code
- Fixed namespace sometimes not being updated correctly when moving a recording to a folder
- Fixed code generation for class files created in folders ending with a dot and numbers (e.g. “Folder.123”)
- Fixed a few cases where the test suite is not marked dirty after changes (module removed, variable renamed)
- Fixed variable bindings being deleted if a module variable is deleted and added again
- A warning is now shown if running a module group with unbound module variables
- Fixed replacing of report name placeholders for the test suite run configuration when running a test suite from the command line
- Improved installation time for Ranorex setup (NGen task is now done asynchronously after the setup finishes)
- Fixed the Ranorex License Server service sometimes not installing on machines not connected to the Internet
Ranorex 4.0.2 Release (January 30, 2013)
General changes/Features
- Added support for Firefox 19
- Made it easier to create a custom report template from the test suite properties dialog
- Added methods to the TestReport class which allow you to define TearDown and Setup regions
- Debug command line arguments (from project settings) are now used when running the test suite or
specific test cases from the test suite editor
- “View Code” is now available for all actions in a recording, not just for user code actions
- The “Play” button for user code modules now allows to select the report level (just like in recordings)
- The Host.ActivateWindowsApp method now allows to pass arguments to the app
- Fixed a potential problem with the first keyboard action in an automation process not being replayed correctly
- Fixed element filtering not showing any elements in Spy for WPF applications and Windows apps
- Fixed possible stage scaling geometry issues in Flash applications
- Moved DataConnectorConfig class to Ranorex.Core.dll to facilitate custom data connector implementation
- Fixed importing the GDI capture settings from the settings dialog
- Fixed progress bar not being initialized correctly and continuing to run when the debugger is paused
- Reduced memory consumption when loading a lot of images from a repository or using the Ranorex.Imaging methods
- Fixed the screenshot of an element not showing up in the validation dialog on Windows 8
- Recordings now show an error message again on building if an associated repository item cannot be found
- Fixed assembly references in Ranorex recording files to be saved with a relative path if possible
- Fixed potential exception thrown when opening the “Variables” dialog in a recording after deleting a repository item
- Fixed Ctrl+A shortcut selecting the whole image in the image validation dialog
- App folders are no longer allowed to be moved into rooted folders even if they have empty RanoreXPaths
- Fixed “Optimize Folder Path” on top-level rooted folders in the repository
- Repository object creation after drag-and-drop from Spy now creates a parent app folder even if the path of parent/ancestor was changed
- Fixed possible connection problems with devices if their settings were edited using the “Edit device” dialog
- Fixed a problem where the data binding to a data source gets lost when deleting another data source
- Fixed a use case where a relatively specified data source file was not correctly resolved
- Fixed data source dialog still saving changes to a simple data source if cancelling the dialog
- Fixed possible exception thrown in Studio when a data source file fails to load
- Fixed exception when running a test case from the test suite editor when no project is open
- Fixed the effective report level for a parent test case after a child test case with a different report level is executed
- Fixed Ranorex Studio not copying DLLs from referenced module libraries to the output directory
- Fixed the undo state falsely being cleared in a user code file when compiling
- The project browser is now correctly refreshed when including a recording into the project
- Fixed potential exception being thrown when trying to start the Instrumentation Wizard from Ranorex Studio
- Fixed problems with renaming and (un)checkout of files in TFS source controlled Ranorex projects
- ‘Check out’ is no longer displayed on version controlled items in Ranorex Studio if the item is already checked out
- Fixed handling of SVN source controlled projects not residing under the solution directory
- Fixed code completion in Studio not showing extension methods that overload an existing method
- Fixed recording user code files to be re-initialized on rebuild if the file contains too many braces
- The associated code files are no longer opened when renaming a recording in Studio
- Code generation by dragging a repository item into a code file now also works for repositories residing in a referenced project
- Repositories associated with a recording are no longer opened on a rebuild
- Fixed the debugger not showing all characters when watching variable values
- Fixed the debugger watch pad not allowing to change a watched variable name
- Fixed unhandled exception thrown when trying to create a new project in a folder that does not allow to add files
- The “Report Template Folder” test suite setting now allows relative paths
- Fixed copying of compressed report files (*.rxzlog) to the report files directory
- The report no longer appends the “rxlog” extension to the report file name if another extension is used
- Fixed Ranorex 2.X style reports not being opened automatically after automation has finished
- Placeholders in the report file name are now correctly replaced
- Fixed server log not containing “Release” messages if the license server is stopped while licenses are leased
Ranorex 4.0.1 Release (December 20, 2012)
General changes/Features
- Ranorex Studio now prompts to restart with administrator rights if needed for debugging
- The Ranorex setup now allows not to install documentation
- Fixed a possible exception being thrown when opening the Manage Data Source dialog in a test suite
- Fixed copying of COM references to the output directory when building in Ranorex Studio
- Stopped showing information-only build warnings in the error pad
- Improved project browser refresh on source control operations
- Fixed possible NullReferenceException thrown when performing SVN operations and the project settings are open
- Removed a warning being shown after checking out a solution from TFS source control
- Removed a warning being shown in Ranorex Studio after running test suite with a custom report template
- Fixed a problem where a relative path to a data connector file was not correctly resolved
- Fixed an exception being thrown when starting a recording after switching the UiaLauncher setting
- Removed unnecessary 5 seconds delay if the debugger fails to start the process
- Ranorex Studio in 32bit mode on 64bit OS can now utilize more than 2GB RAM
- Fixed possible NullReferenceException thrown by “java_web” LineageGlueRule (only visible with “Debug” report level)
- Removed possible error message shown by instrumented Java application when loading the Ranorex automation library
Ranorex 4.0.0 Release (December 05, 2012)
Major features
- Added support for iOS apps, PhoneGap apps, and web testing on iOS
- Added support for Windows 8 UI apps
- Added basic touch support on Windows 8 (including recording of touch actions)
- Added support for TFS source control
- The SAP plugin is now included (separate license needed)
General changes/Features
- Added support for Excel 2013
- Added support for Android 4.2
- Mobile devices configuration UI has been improved
- Instrumentation can now be performed from the command line using Ranorex.Instrumentation.exe
- Added a recording action and an API method to instrument Android apps
- When installing the Ranorex service app on an Android device, you can now specify a device name
- Added custom report templates to allow easier report customization
- Test reports now contain messages logged from different threads (the main/setup thread defines the report structure)
- Added “Jump to Test Case” functionality in the test report
- Report screenshots can now be placed into a separate sub-folder
- Added an XML schema for Ranorex reports to the documentation
- Added Ranorex.UiaLauncher that allows automating UIs with elevated security rights
- Added the PopupWatcher class that allows easy handling of dialogs and pop-up windows
- The progress dialog now offers a keyboard shortcut to skip the current delay
- Added an option to select how relative locations within elements should be recorded (pixel/proportional/center)
- An exception is now thrown if the mouse/pointer is moved to a location outside of the desktop bounds
(can be switched off in the configuration settings)
- CR and LF characters in key sequences are now replayed as a “Return/Enter” key press
- Pressing a “Ctrl-A” in the image selection editor now selects the whole image
- Projects can now be added to source control in Ranorex Studio
- The Excel data connector now provides an “Auto-Range” option that selects all available data
- Data variables (columns) are now writable and will be updated from module variables when a module is executed
- Improved resolution of absolute and relative paths to files in data connectors
- Modules in a module group can now be enabled/disabled
- Code modules can now be replayed just like recording modules
- The Ranorex core and tools now provide the option to switch on additional tracing and logging (for support/diagnostics)
- Improved auto-complete behavior and keyboard navigation in the RanoreXPath editor
- Added RanoreXPath operator “!~” that checks if a clause does not match a regular expression
- Fixed a performance problem when getting the process name for a window
- Fixed recognition of elements on desktop after LWin+D was pressed
- XML loggers now gracefully handle “null” values passed as report meta data
- Fixed object recognition issues in Chrome version 23 related to dialogs opened and closed using JavaScript
- Fixed geometry for borders/paddings on Frame and IFrame tags in Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Safari
- Fixed problem that original RanoreXPath was not always shown when editing a path in Spy
- Fixed code completion in Ranorex Studio for APIs with attributes having byte and sbyte arguments
- Improved stability of Ranorex Studio debugger
- Made sure that auto-generated files in Ranorex Studio always use UTF-8 format
- Fixed build of projects in Ranorex Studio if .NET Framework 4.0 is targeted and the SDK is not installed
- When renaming a code module file, the user is now asked whether to change the class name as well
- Fixed renaming a file in the Ranorex Studio Projects pad if only the case of letters changes
- Private module variables are no longer bindable in the test suite editor
- The property pad now also shows properties for the module group editor
- The OpenBrowser action now trims leading and trailing whitespaces from URLs (caused problems with Safari)
- Fixed “Play Selected Items” in the recorder to not replay iterations
- The user is now asked whether to change the default value of an associated repository variable
when changing the default value of a recording variable
- “Play Selected Items” in the recorder now generates a report
- Fixed a few UI issues in the Ranorex tools when Windows is run in high-contrast mode
Breaking Changes (to 3.X)
- Removed “Pending” and “Active” activity states from the Activity class
-> use the “IsActive” property instead
- Report files are now separated in a view (*.rxlog) and a data file (*.rxlog.data)
-> change your code to use the data file for parsing reports on your own (XML format unchanged)
- Removed the TestReport.StyleSheetFilename replacing it with a custom report template
-> opening your project in Ranorex Studio will automatically start the migration wizard
- Changed Ranorex XML file format layout by placing every XML attribute on a new line (CRLN), reducing merge conflicts
-> cosmetic change only, format otherwise unchanged
- Moved the DataConnectorConfig class to Ranorex.Core.dll
-> add a reference to the Ranorex.Core.dll when implementing custom data connector configuration controls
- Changed the name of the 32bit versions of Spy, Recorder, and TestSuiteRunner
-> the installation “bin” folder contains only 32 bit executables, the “bin\x64” all 64 bit versions
- Moved the RemotelyInvokedDelegate delegate from the “Ranorex.Plugin” to the “Ranorex” namespace
- Exceptions are now no longer caught when setting web element attributes in IE (without addon only)
-> catch possible exceptions (same behavior as when automating IE with addon or other browsers)
- Removed support for older Firefox versions which are no longer supported by Mozilla
-> use one of the supported versions: Firefox 3.6, 10 ESR, 15, 16, 17