This chapter contains a collection of code examples which explain how to use the Ranorex API to write code modules and extend recording modules with user-specific code.
- Using repository in code
- Wait for UI elements using repository
- Create adapters to access more properties and methods
- Create a list of adapters from a repository element
- Using the Validate class
- Forcing a test case to fail using the Validate class
- Forcing a test case to fail using exceptions
- Set up automation speed
- Accessing test case and test suite context
- Advanced code examples
- How to do image-based automation
- How to find and compare images
- Handling unexpected dialogs
- Creating and using a WebDriver (incl. configuration) in code
- Advanced validation – clipboard
- Advanced validation – entire table
- Advanced validation – entire table in web
- Advanced validation – file (text-based)
- Advanced validation – file (not-text-based, binary)
- Advanced validation – database (single field)
- Advanced validation – database (entire table)
- Advanced validation – XML code
Using repository in code
C#[TestModule("D451F1D1-C347-4B58-939F-F6187642EB56", ModuleType.UserCode, 1)]
public class UsingRepository : ITestModule
// Repository object to access UI elements
MyFirstTestProjectRepository repo = MyFirstTestProjectRepository.Instance;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a new instance.
/// </summary>
public UsingRepository()
// Do not delete - a parameterless constructor is required!
void ITestModule.Run()
Mouse.DefaultMoveTime = 300;
Keyboard.DefaultKeyPressTime = 100;
Delay.SpeedFactor = 1.0;
// Using Ranorex.Form adapter represented by 'MyApp'
// 'MyApp' is used as a folder within the repository;
// the 'Self' property returns an object of type Ranorex.Form
// Activates application
// Log 'Active' state
// Maximize, Minimize and Restore
// Closes application
// Using Ranorex.Button adapter represented by 'ButtonAdd'
// Read and log value of 'Text' attribute
// Press button
// Read and log value of 'Enabled' attribute
// Using Ranorex.RadioButton adapter
// represented by 'GenderOption'
// Select radio button
// Accessing listitems of Ranorex.List adapter
// represented by 'CategoryList'
IList<ranorex.listitem> listItems = repo.MyApp.CategoryList.Items;
foreach ( Ranorex.ListItem item in listItems )
Report.Info(item.Text + " is member of CategoryList");
// Using Ranorex.MenuItem to open 'File' menu
// Selecting sub menu item 'Connect'
// Read and log 'Enabled' state of menu item 'Connect'
VB.NETPublic Class UsingRepository
Implements ITestModule
' Repository object to access UI elements
Private repo As MyFirstTestProjectRepository = MyFirstTestProjectRepository.Instance
''' <summary>
''' Constructs a new instance.
''' </summary>
' Do not delete - a parameterless constructor is required!
Public Sub New()
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Performs the playback of actions in this module.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>You should not call this method directly, instead pass the module
''' instance to the <see cref="TestModuleRunner.Run(ITestModule)"> method
''' that will in turn invoke this method.</see></remarks>
Private Sub ITestModule_Run() Implements ITestModule.Run
Mouse.DefaultMoveTime = 300
Keyboard.DefaultKeyPressTime = 100
Delay.SpeedFactor = 1.0
' Using Ranorex.Form adapter represented by 'MyApp'
' 'MyApp' is used as a folder within the repository;
' the 'Self' property returns a Ranorex.Form object
' Activates application
' Log 'Active' state
' Maximize, Minimize and Restore
' Closes application
' Using Ranorex.Button adapter represented by ButtonAdd'
' Read and log value of 'Text' attribute
' Press button
' Read and log value of 'Enabled' attribute
' Using Ranorex.RadioButton adapter
' represented by 'GenderOption'
' Select radio button
' Accessing listitems of Ranorex.List adapter
' represented by 'CategoryList'
Dim listItems As IList(Of Ranorex.ListItem) = repo.MyApp.CategoryList.Items
For Each item As Ranorex.ListItem In listItems
Report.Info(item.Text & " is member of CategoryList")
' Using Ranorex.MenuItem to open 'File' menu
' Selecting sub menu item 'Connect'
' Read and log 'Enabled' state of menu item 'Connect'
End Sub
End Class
Wait for UI elements using repository
Each item and each folder type provides an additional object item declared with ‘Info’. It is used to access item related attributes without accessing the UI element directly to prevent Ranorex from throwing exceptions. The info object is mainly used to check whether an item or a folder path is valid or not. In combination with the timeout set for the item, you can use it to wait for UI elements like dialogs, text values and web content.C#
// Use the 'Info' object to check existence of the
// 'SaveDialog' item; Method 'Exists' uses the timeout
// specified for the 'SaveDialog' in the repository
Report.Info("Exists = " + repo.SaveDialog.SelfInfo.Exists().ToString());
// Use the 'Info' object to check existence of the
// 'TextOnline' item which uses the following RXPath:
// statusbar/text[@accessiblename='Online']
// This way you can wait with the timeout specified for
// the item within the repository for the text 'Online'
bool statusTextConnected = repo.MyApp.TextOnlineInfo.Exists();
// Using 'Info' objects for validation
// Throws a Ranorex.ValidationException if validation
// fails. Automatically reports success or failed message
// to log file
// Validates the existence of the repository item,
// but does not throw any exception
Validate.Exists(repo.SaveDialog.ButtonOKInfo,"Check Object '{0}'",false);
VB.NET' Use the 'Info' object to check existence of the
' 'SaveDialog' item; Method 'Exists' uses the timeout
' specified for the 'SaveDialog' in the repository
Report.Info("Exists = " & repo.SaveDialog.SelfInfo.Exists().ToString())
' Use the 'Info' object to check existence of the
' 'TextOnline' item which uses the following RXPath:
' statusbar/text[@accessiblename='Online']
' This way you can wait with the timeout specified for
' the item within the repository for the text 'Online'
Dim statusTextConnected As Boolean = repo.MyApp.TextOnlineInfo.Exists()
' Using 'Info' objects for validation
' Throws a Ranorex.ValidationException if validation
' fails. Automatically reports success or failed message
' to log file
' Validates the existence of the repository item,
' but does not throw any exception
Validate.Exists(repo.SaveDialog.ButtonOKInfo, "Check Object '{0}'", False)
If you analyze the VIP Database application form with Ranorex Spy, you see that that the application window provides three adapters (Form, Control and NativeWindow). The Ranorex.Form adapter with all attributes and methods is directly available using the repository’s application folder ‘MyApp’. If you want to access properties like ‘ProcessName’ or invoke methods exposed by a .NET WinForms control you need to convert the Form adapter to NativeWindow or Control. As you can see in the code section below the ‘…Info’ object is used to create the desired adapter.
// Creating adapter of type 'NativeWindow' using the "...Info" object
Ranorex.NativeWindow nativeWnd = repo.MyApp.SelfInfo.CreateAdapter<Ranorex.NativeWindow>(false);
// ... and read value of attribute 'ProcessName'
Report.Info("Process name of VIP Database: " + nativeWnd.ProcessName);
// Using Control Adapter to access properties and methods of
// .NET WinForms control
Ranorex.Control winFormsControl = repo.MyApp.SelfInfo.CreateAdapter<Ranorex.Control>(false);
// Set background color of VIP application to Color.Black using the
// exposed property 'BackColor'
// Report screenshot after changing the background color
// Closes VIP Database by invoking the 'Close' method
// exposed by the System.Windows.Forms.Form class
' Creating adapter of type 'NativeWindow' using the "...Info" object
Dim nativeWnd As Ranorex.NativeWindow = repo.MyApp.SelfInfo.CreateAdapter(Of Ranorex.NativeWindow)(False)
' ... and read value of attribute 'ProcessName'
Report.Info("Process name of VIP Database: " & nativeWnd.ProcessName)
' Using Control Adapter to access properties and methods of
' .NET WinForms control
Dim winFormsControl As Ranorex.Control = repo.MyApp.SelfInfo.CreateAdapter(Of Ranorex.Control)(False)
' Set background color of VIP application to Color.Black using the
' exposed property 'BackColor'
winFormsControl.SetPropertyValue("BackColor", Color.Black)
' Report screenshot after changing the background color
' Closes VIP Database by invoking the 'Close' method
' exposed by the System.Windows.Forms.Form class
Create a list of adapters from a repository element
If multiple elements match a RanoreXPath of a single repository item use the CreateAdapters method to create a list of adapters.
Learn more about how to create repository items delivering multiple elements here: Adding Repository Items
// Create a list of adapters using the "Info" object
IList<Ranorex.Button> buttonList =
// Move the mouse pointer to each button of the list
// and add a screenshot for each to the report
foreach (Ranorex.Button button in buttonList )
' Create a list of adapters using the "Info" object
Dim buttonList As IList(Of Ranorex.Button) =
repo.MyApp.EnabledButtonsInfo.CreateAdapters(Of Ranorex.Button)()
' Move the mouse pointer to each button of the list
' and add a screenshot for each to the report
For Each button As Ranorex.Button In buttonList
Using the Validate class
The Ranorex.Validate class is used to check values from UI elements, but it can also be used to simply compare non UI related objects in code. In comparison to a simple IF statement the methods provided automatically log fail or success messages to the report.
// Validate for Existence
// Using 'Info' objects for validation
// Throws a Ranorex.ValidationException if validation
// fails. Automatically reports success or failed message
// to log file
// Validates the existence of the repository item,
// but does not throw any exception
bool exists = Validate.Exists(repo.SaveDialog.ButtonOKInfo,"Check Object '{0}'",false);
// Check whether an application form exists using a RanoreXPath
// Check whether an application does not exists
// for the time specified as timeout for the given repository item
// Validate 'Enabled' attribute of button 'Delete'
' Validate for Existence
' Using 'Info' objects for validation
' Throws a Ranorex.ValidationException if validation
' fails. Automatically reports success or failed message
' to log file
' Validates the existence of the repository item,
' but does not throw any exception
Dim exists As Boolean = Validate.Exists(repo.SaveDialog.ButtonOKInfo,"Check Object '{0}'",false)
' Check whether an application form exists using a RanoreXPath
' Check whether an application does not exists
' for the time specified as timeout for the given repository item
' Validate 'Enabled' attribute of button 'Delete'
Forcing a test case to fail using the Validate class
As described above you can use the Validate class to compare values from UI and non UI related objects bringing a test to fail or success. Additional to this, you can force a test case to fail without comparing using the Validate class.
Ranorex.Cell cellObject = null;
// Try to find a cell object
bool found=false;
found = Host.Local.TryFindSingle<Ranorex.Cell>("/form//table/row/cell[3]", 2000, out cellObject);
// If the expressions does not return an object
// call Validate.Fail and the test case fails
if (!found) Validate.Fail("RanoreXPath with no return");
Dim cellObject As Ranorex.Cell = Nothing
' Try to find a cell object
Dim found As Boolean = False
found = Host.Local.TryFindSingle(Of Ranorex.Cell)("/form//table/row/cell[3]", 2000, cellObject)
' If the expressions does not return an object
' call Validate.Fail and the test case fails
If Not found Then
Validate.Fail("RanoreXPath with no return")
End If
Forcing a test case to fail using exceptions
Ranorex uses exception handling to determine whether a test case run failed or succeeded. As long as no exception is thrown by any of the Ranorex methods (e.g Ranorex.Validate method or use of not valid repository item) the test run will be successful. If you want to prevent Ranorex from throwing exceptions but at the same time decide on your own whether a test case fails or not, you need to throw Ranorex exceptions programmatically.
Ranorex.Cell cellObject = null;
// Try to find a cell object using two
// different RanoreXPath expressions
bool found=false;
found = Host.Local.TryFindSingle<Ranorex.Cell>("/form//table/row/cell[3]", 2000, out cellObject);
found = found || Host.Local.TryFindSingle<Ranorex.cell>("/form//table/row/cell[4]", 2000, out cellObject);
// If none of the expressions returns an object
// throw new 'ElementNotFoundException' and test case fails
if (!found)
throw new Ranorex.ElementNotFoundException("Both RanoreXPath with no return", null);
// If the value of attribute 'Text' does not equal to the expected value
// throw new 'ValidationException' to break the test case
if ( cellObject.Text == "MyExpectedTextValue" )
Report.Success("User Specific Validation","Text validation of cell object succeeded");
throw new Ranorex.ValidationException("Text validation of cell object succeeded failed");
Dim cellObject As Ranorex.Cell = Nothing
' Try to find a cell object using two
' different RanoreXPath expressions
Dim found As Boolean = Host.Local.TryFindSingle(Of Ranorex.Cell)("/form//table/row/cell[3]", 2000, cellObject)
found = found OrElse Host.Local.TryFindSingle(Of Ranorex.Cell)("/form//table/row/cell[4]", 2000, cellObject)
' If none of the expressions returns an object
' throw new 'ElementNotFoundException' and test case fails
If Not found Then
Throw New Ranorex.ElementNotFoundException("Both RanoreXPath with no return", Nothing)
' If the value of attribute 'Text' does not equal to the expected value
' throw new 'ValidationException' to break the test case
If cellObject.Text = "MyExpectedTextValue" Then
Report.Success("User Specific Validation", "Text validation of cell object succeeded")
Throw New Ranorex.ValidationException("Text validation of cell object succeeded failed")
End If
End If
Set up automation speed
You can optionally specify and change the automation speed at any time in the code. The code generated by a recording uses the same properties to define replay speed as used within a code module. A newly created code module already contains three lines of code specifying the automation speed in the ‘Run’ method.C#
void ITestModule.Run()
Mouse.DefaultMoveTime = 300;
Keyboard.DefaultKeyPressTime = 100;
Delay.SpeedFactor = 1.0;
Private Sub ITestModule_Run() Implements ITestModule.Run
Mouse.DefaultMoveTime = 300
Keyboard.DefaultKeyPressTime = 100
Delay.SpeedFactor = 1.0
End Sub
Accessing test case and test suite context
Sometimes it’s necessary to forward values read from the UI in a code module or recording to the module executed next in the scope of a test case. The example code shown below uses the module variables varDialogTextA (Code Module A) and varDialogTextB (Code Module B) which are both bound to a parameter specified within the test case’s data binding dialog to transfer data within a test case.
// ----------------- Code Block used by Code Module A -----------------
// Click 'Save' button to open 'SaveDialog'
// Read text message shown with 'SaveDialog'
// and assign it to the variable 'varDialogTextA' bound to a test case parameter
varDialogTextA = repo.SaveDialog.TextMessage.TextValue;
// -------- Code Block used by User Code Action of recording B --------
// Read value of module variable 'varDialogTextB' in other code module
// or recording module using a user code action
// Get the current data context and log
// the current row index of a data driven run
' ----------------- Code Block used by Code Module A -----------------
' Click 'Save' button to open 'SaveDialog'
' Read text message shown with 'SaveDialog'
' and assign it to the variable 'varDialogTextA' bound to a test case parameter
varDialogTextA = repo.SaveDialog.TextMessage.TextValue
' -------- Code Block used by User Code Action of recording B --------
' Read value of module variable 'varDialogTextB' in other code module
' or recording module using a user code action
' Get the current data context and log
' the current row index of a data driven run
Advanced code examples
You can also use RanoreXPath expressions directly in code in order to search for items using different ‘Find’ methods offered by the API. Start searching for elements directly at the root level using ‘Host.Local’ or reuse existing adapters like repository items to start searching from there.
// Create Ranorex.Button adapter using 'FindSingle' method
// from Host.Local (starting at root node) with absolute RanoreXPath
// Note: ElementNotFound exception is thrown if item is not found within
// the specified timeout of 2000 ms.
Ranorex.Button addButtonVar1 = Host.Local.FindSingle<Ranorex.Button>("/form[@controlname='formVipApplication']/button[@controlname='btAdd']",2000);
// Alternatively you can use the 'TryFindSingle' method to prevent
// a test case from failing because of an exception thrown if
// the element is not found within the specified timeout of 2000 ms
Ranorex.Button addButtonVar2 = null;
bool found = Host.Local.TryFindSingle<Ranorex.Button>("/form[@controlname='formVipApplication']/button[@controlname='btAdd']", 2000, out addButtonVar2);
// Move mouse pointer to button
// Request a list of buttons shown from the VIP Database application
// and create a screenshot for each button in the report file
IList<Ranorex.Button> buttonList = Host.Local.Find<Ranorex.Button>("/form[@controlname='formVipApplication']/button",500);
foreach (Ranorex.Button bt in buttonList)
// Using find methods in combination with existing Ranorex repository items
Ranorex.Button btAdd = repo.MyApp.Self.FindSingle<Ranorex.Button>("button[@controlname='btAdd']",2000);
' Create Ranorex.Button adapter using 'FindSingle' method
' from Host.Local (starting at root node) with absolute RanoreXPath
' Note: ElementNotFound exception is thrown if item is not found within
' the specified timeout of 2000 ms.
Dim addButtonVar1 As Ranorex.Button = Host.Local.FindSingle(Of Ranorex.Button)("/form[@controlname='formVipApplication']/button[@controlname='btAdd']", 2000)
' Alternatively you can use 'TryFindSingle' method to prevent
' a test case from failing because of an exception thrown if
' the element is not found within the specified timeout of 2000 ms
Dim addButtonVar2 As Ranorex.Button = Nothing
Dim found As Boolean = Host.Local.TryFindSingle(Of Ranorex.Button)("/form[@controlname='formVipApplication']/button[@controlname='btAdd']", 2000, addButtonVar2)
' Move mouse pointer to button
' Request a list of buttons from the VIP Database application
' and create a screenshot for each button in the report file
Dim buttonList As IList(Of Ranorex.Button) = Host.Local.Find(Of Ranorex.Button)("/form[@controlname='formVipApplication']/button", 500)
For Each bt As Ranorex.Button In buttonList
' Using find methods in combination with existing Ranorex repository items
Dim btAdd As Ranorex.Button = repo.MyApp.Self.FindSingle(Of Ranorex.Button)("button[@controlname='btAdd']", 2000)
How to do image-based automation
If Ranorex is not able to identify some of your GUI elements, it may be helpful to automate them using the implicit image search mechanism of the ‘Click’ method.
C#// Create bitmap to search for
// within application form and
// click it
Bitmap bmp = Ranorex.Imaging.Load(
@"....Green Sea Turtle Small.bmp");
// Performs a right click on the image found
// within the application window based on
// the image location
// You can also search for images that are slightly different to the
// loaded image by specifying the minimum Similarity for a match (95% = 0.95).
myRepo.WinFormsApp.Self.Click(new Location(bmp, new Imaging.FindOptions(0.95)));
// OR Set the default Similarity value for all following image operations
Imaging.FindOptions.Default.Similarity = 0.95;
Report.Success("Image found and clicked successfully");
' Create bitmap to search for
' within application form and
' click it
Dim bmp As Bitmap = Ranorex.Imaging.Load("....Green Sea Turtle Small.bmp")
' Performs a right click on the image found
' within the application window based
' on the image location
myRepo.WinFormsApp.Self.Click(MouseButtons.Right, bmp)
' You can also search for images that are slightly different to the
' loaded image by specifying the minimum Similarity for a match (95% = 0.95).
myRepo.WinFormsApp.Self.Click(new Location(bmp, new Imaging.FindOptions(0.95)))
' OR Set the default Similarity value for all following image operations
Imaging.FindOptions.Default.Similarity = 0.95
Report.Success("Image displayed successfully")
How to find and compare images
To compare an image simply search for it within an existing Ranorex element using the ‘Contains’ method.
// Create bitmap
Bitmap bmp = Ranorex.Imaging.Load(
@"....Green Sea Turtle Small.bmp");
// Search for it within the application window
if (Ranorex.Imaging.Contains(myRepo.WinFormsApp.Self,bmp) == true)
Report.Success("Image found within WinForms application");
' Create bitmap
Dim bmp As Bitmap = Ranorex.Imaging.Load("....Green Sea Turtle Small.bmp")
' Search for it within the application window
If Imaging.Contains(myRepo.WinFormsApp.Self,bmp Then
Report.Success("Image found within WinForms application")
End If
Handling unexpected dialogs
A common problem in UI testing is the appearance of an unexpected dialog – e.g. the Update-Check dialog in KeePass.
To overcome this issue, you can use the PopupWatcher class. Using this class you can add watches for each dialog which might pop up during test execution. In these watches you can specify a RanoreXPath or a Repository item the PopupWatcher should keep watching for, as well as a method which should be triggered or a repository item which should be clicked.
void ITestModule.Run()
// Create PopupWatcher
PopupWatcher myPopupWatcher = new PopupWatcher();
// Add a Watch using a RanoreXPath and triggering the Method CloseUpdateCheckDialog
myPopupWatcher.Watch("/form[@controlname='UpdateCheckForm']/button[@controlname='m_btnClose']", CloseUpdateCheckDialog);
// Add a Watch using the info object of a button and triggering the Method CloseUpdateCheckDialog
// myPopupWatcher.Watch(repo.UpdateCheckDialog.btCloseInfo, CloseUpdateCheckDialog);
// Add a Watch using the info object of the dialog and the info object of the button to click
// myPopupWatcher.WatchAndClick(repo.UpdateCheckDialog.SelfInfo, repo.UpdateCheckDialog.btCloseInfo);
// Add a Watch using a repository folder object and the info object of the button to click
// myPopupWatcher.WatchAndClick(repo.UpdateCheckDialog, repo.UpdateCheckDialog.btCloseInfo);
// Start PopupWatcher
public static void CloseUpdateCheckDialog(Ranorex.Core.Repository.RepoItemInfo myInfo, Ranorex.Core.Element myElement)
public static void CloseUpdateCheckDialog(Ranorex.Core.RxPath myPath, Ranorex.Core.Element myElement)
Private Sub ITestModule_Run() Implements ITestModule.Run
' Create PopupWatcher
Dim myPopupWatcher As New PopupWatcher()
' Add a Watch using a RanoreXPath and triggering the Method CloseUpdateCheckDialog
myPopupWatcher.Watch("/form[@controlname='UpdateCheckForm']/button[@controlname='m_btnClose']", AddressOf CloseUpdateCheckDialog)
' Add a Watch using the info object of a button and triggering the Method CloseUpdateCheckDialog
' myPopupWatcher.Watch(repo.UpdateCheckDialog.btCloseInfo, CloseUpdateCheckDialog);
' Add a Watch using the info object of the dialog and the info object of the button to click
' myPopupWatcher.WatchAndClick(repo.UpdateCheckDialog.SelfInfo, repo.UpdateCheckDialog.btCloseInfo);
' Add a Watch using a repository folder object and the info object of the button to click
' myPopupWatcher.WatchAndClick(repo.UpdateCheckDialog, repo.UpdateCheckDialog.btCloseInfo);
' Start PopupWatcher
End Sub
Public Shared Sub CloseUpdateCheckDialog(myInfo As Ranorex.Core.Repository.RepoItemInfo, myElement As Ranorex.Core.Element)
myElement.[As](Of Ranorex.Button)().Click()
End Sub
Public Shared Sub CloseUpdateCheckDialog(myPath As Ranorex.Core.RxPath, myElement As Ranorex.Core.Element)
myElement.[As](Of Ranorex.Button)().Click()
End Sub
Creating and using a WebDriver (incl. configuration) in code
// Create endpoint management factory
var fac = new RemoteEndpointFactory();
// Use existing endpoints
var existing = fac.GetAll();
Report.Log(ReportLevel.Info, string.Format("Endpoints: {0}", existing.Count()));
foreach (var e in existing)
Report.Log(ReportLevel.Info, string.Format("Name: {0}", e.DisplayName));
// Get WebDriver endpoints form the existing ones (no equivalent for mobile currently)
var webDriverEndpoints = fac.GetAllWebDriverEndpoints();
Report.Log(ReportLevel.Info, string.Format("There are '{0}' WebDriver endpoints", webDriverEndpoints.Count()));
// Create user process endpoint
var ep = fac.CreateTransientWebDriverEndpoint(new WebDriverEndpointInfo("tempEp", "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"));
var cfg = WebDriverConfiguration.FromJson("{}");
cfg.Name = "MyConfig1";
cfg.Description = "Code sample Config";
.ContinueWith(_ => ep.MakeCurrentHostAsync())
var b = ep.StartBrowser("firefox", "");
Advanced validation – clipboard
This sample shows how the current content of the clipboard can be validated against a given reference value.
public void Validate_ClipboardContentEqual(string compareText, string customLogMessage)
// check if content of clipboard is text
if (System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.ContainsText())
// Get text from clipboard
string clipboardtext = System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.GetText();
// prepare log message if the log-parameter is empty
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clipboardtext))
customLogMessage = "Comparing content of clipboard with given text: ({0} vs. {1})"; ;
// Validate if given text (compareText) is equal to current text in clipboard
Ranorex.Validate.AreEqual(clipboardtext, compareText, customLogMessage);
throw new Ranorex.RanorexException("There is not text on the clipboard that can be compared");
Public Sub Validate_ClipboardContentEqual(compareText As String, customLogMessage As String)
' check if content of clipboard is text
If System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.ContainsText() Then
' Get text from clipboard
Dim clipboardtext As String = System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.GetText()
' prepare log message if the log-parameter is empty
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(clipboardtext) Then
customLogMessage = "Comparing content of clipboard with given text: ({0} vs. {1})"
End If
' Validate if given text (compareText) is equal to current text in clipboard
Ranorex.Validate.AreEqual(clipboardtext, compareText, customLogMessage)
Throw New Ranorex.RanorexException("There is not text on the clipboard that can be compared")
End If
End Sub
Advanced validation – entire table
This sample shows how the content of a whole table (UI control) can be validated at once. Therefore the table has to be passed as a parameter. Additionally the filename of a Ranorex Snapshot needs to be provided which will act as a reference and defines the expected content of the table.
public void Validate_TableContentEqual(Ranorex.Adapter repoItem, string filename_ReferenceTableSnapshot, string customLogMessageOverall, string customLogMessageDetail)
// check if snapshot file exists
const string fileNotExists = "The given file does not exist: {0}";
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filename_ReferenceTableSnapshot))
throw new Ranorex.ValidationException(string.Format(fileNotExists, filename_ReferenceTableSnapshot));
ElementSnapshot snap = null;
snap = Ranorex.Core.ElementSnapshot.CreateFromFile (filename_ReferenceTableSnapshot); // ElementSnapshot.CreateFromFile is available starting with Ranorex 5.4.2
throw new Ranorex.ValidationException("Snapshot could not be loaded from file");
// restore table from snapshot
Ranorex.Table refTable;
refTable = snap.Element;
throw new Ranorex.ValidationException("Table could not be created from snapshot");
var tableAdapter = repoItem.As <Ranorex.Table>();
if (tableAdapter==null)
throw new Ranorex.ValidationException("Repo-item could not be accessed");
// check if rowcount is identical
if (tableAdapter.Rows.Count != refTable.Rows.Count)
throw new Ranorex.ValidationException(String.Format ("Tables do not have same number of rows ({0} vs. {1})", tableAdapter.Rows.Count, refTable.Rows.Count));
// run through table-rows
for (int iRow = 0; iRow <= tableAdapter.Rows.Count - 1; iRow++)
int cellCountCur = tableAdapter.Rows[iRow].Cells.Count;
int cellCountRef = refTable.Rows[iRow].Cells.Count;
// check if number of cells is identical in current row
if (cellCountCur != cellCountRef)
throw new Ranorex.ValidationException(String.Format("Table-Rows do not have same number of cells ({0} vs. {1})", cellCountCur, cellCountRef));
// run through cells in current row
for (int iCol = 0; iCol <= cellCountCur - 1; iCol++)
string aCurText = tableAdapter.Rows[iRow].Cells[iCol].As<Ranorex.Cell>().Text;
string aRefText = refTable.Rows[iRow].Cells[iCol].As<Ranorex.Cell>().Text;
string validationMessage = string.Empty;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customLogMessageDetail))
validationMessage = String.Format ("Comparing content of cell ({2}/{3}) (found:'{0}', expected: '{1}')", aCurText, aRefText, iRow,iCol);
validationMessage = customLogMessageDetail;
// validate whether current text and expected text are identical
Ranorex.Validate.AreEqual (aCurText, aRefText, validationMessage);
// Log overall success
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customLogMessageOverall))
customLogMessageOverall = "Successfully completed content-validation of table with provided snapshot of table (reference)";
Ranorex.Report.Log (ReportLevel.Success, customLogMessageOverall);
public Sub Validate_TableContentEqual(repoItem As Ranorex.Adapter, filename_ReferenceTableSnapshot As String, customLogMessageOverall As String, customLogMessageDetail As String)
' check if snapshot file exists
Const fileNotExists As String = "The given file does not exist: {0}"
If Not System.IO.File.Exists(filename_ReferenceTableSnapshot) Then
Throw New Ranorex.ValidationException(String.Format(fileNotExists, filename_ReferenceTableSnapshot))
End If
Dim snap As ElementSnapshot = Nothing
snap = Ranorex.Core.ElementSnapshot.CreateFromFile(filename_ReferenceTableSnapshot) 'ElementSnapshot.CreateFromFile is available starting with Ranorex 5.4.2
Throw New Ranorex.ValidationException("Snapshot could not be loaded from file")
End Try
' restore table from snapshot
Dim refTable As Ranorex.Table
refTable = snap.Element
Throw New Ranorex.ValidationException("Table could not be created from snapshot")
End Try
Dim tableAdapter = repoItem.[As](Of Ranorex.Table)()
If tableAdapter Is Nothing Then
Throw New Ranorex.ValidationException("Repo-item could not be accessed")
End If
' check if rowcount is identical
If tableAdapter.Rows.Count <> refTable.Rows.Count Then
Throw New Ranorex.ValidationException([String].Format("Tables do not have same number of rows ({0} vs. {1})", tableAdapter.Rows.Count, refTable.Rows.Count))
End If
' run through table-rows
For iRow As Integer = 0 To tableAdapter.Rows.Count - 1
Dim cellCountCur As Integer = tableAdapter.Rows(iRow).Cells.Count
Dim cellCountRef As Integer = refTable.Rows(iRow).Cells.Count
' check if number of cells is identical in current row
If cellCountCur <> cellCountRef Then
Throw New Ranorex.ValidationException([String].Format("Table-Rows do not have same number of cells ({0} vs. {1})", cellCountCur, cellCountRef))
End If
' run through cells in current row
For iCol As Integer = 0 To cellCountCur - 1
Dim aCurText As String = tableAdapter.Rows(iRow).Cells(iCol).[As](Of Ranorex.Cell)().Text
Dim aRefText As String = refTable.Rows(iRow).Cells(iCol).[As](Of Ranorex.Cell)().Text
Dim validationMessage As String = String.Empty
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(customLogMessageDetail) Then
validationMessage = [String].Format("Comparing content of cell ({2}/{3}) (found:'{0}', expected: '{1}')", aCurText, aRefText, iRow, iCol)
validationMessage = customLogMessageDetail
End If
' validate whether current text and expected text are identical
Ranorex.Validate.AreEqual(aCurText, aRefText, validationMessage)
' Log overall success
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(customLogMessageOverall) Then
customLogMessageOverall = "Successfully completed content-validation of table with provided snapshot of table (reference)"
End If
Ranorex.Report.Log(ReportLevel.Success, customLogMessageOverall)
End Sub
Advanced validation – entire table in web
This sample shows how the content of a whole web table (HTML tag table) can be validated at once. Therefore the table has to be passed as a parameter. Additionally the filename of a Ranorex Snapshot needs to be provided which will act as a reference and defines the expected content of the web table.
public void Validate_WebTableContentEqual(Ranorex.Adapter repoItem, string filename_ReferenceTableSnapshot, string customLogMessageOverall, string customLogMessageDetail)
// check if snapshot file exists
Ranorex.Validate.IsTrue (System.IO.File.Exists (filename_ReferenceTableSnapshot), string.Format("Checking existence of snapshot file: {0}",filename_ReferenceTableSnapshot ));
ElementSnapshot snap;
snap = Ranorex.Core.ElementSnapshot.CreateFromFile (filename_ReferenceTableSnapshot); // ElementSnapshot.CreateFromFile is available starting with Ranorex 5.4.2
throw new Ranorex.ValidationException ("Snapshot could not be loaded from file");
// restore table from snapshot
Ranorex.TableTag refTable;
refTable = snap.Element;
catch (Exception e)
throw new Ranorex.ValidationException("Table could not be created from snapshot.", e);
Ranorex.TableTag tableAdapter = repoItem.As <Ranorex.TableTag>();
if (tableAdapter==null)
throw new Ranorex.ValidationException("Repo-item could not be accessed.");
IList<TrTag> actTableRows = tableAdapter.FindDescendants<TrTag>();
int rowCntAct = actTableRows.Count;
IList<TrTag> refTableRows = refTable.FindDescendants<TrTag>();
int rowCntRef = refTableRows.Count;
// check if rowcount is identical
Ranorex.Validate.AreEqual (rowCntAct, rowCntRef, "Comparing number of rows ({0} vs. {1})");
// run through table-rows
for (int iRow = 0; iRow <= actTableRows.Count - 1; iRow++)
IList<Ranorex.WebElement> cellsInActRow = actTableRows[iRow].FindChildren<Ranorex.WebElement>();
IList<Ranorex.WebElement> cellsInRefRow = refTableRows[iRow].FindChildren<Ranorex.WebElement>();
// check if number of cells is identical in current row
Ranorex.Validate.AreEqual (cellsInActRow.Count, cellsInRefRow.Count, "Comparing number of cells in current row ({0} vs. {1})");
// run through cells in current row
for (int iCol = 0; iCol <= cellsInActRow.Count - 1; iCol++)
string aCurText = new WebElement(cellsInActRow[iCol]).InnerText;
string aRefText = new WebElement(cellsInRefRow[iCol]).InnerText;
string validationMessage = string.Empty;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customLogMessageDetail))
validationMessage = String.Format ("Comparing content of cell ({2}/{3}) (found:'{0}', expected: '{1}')", aCurText, aRefText, iRow,iCol);
validationMessage = customLogMessageDetail;
// validate whether current text and expected text are identical
Ranorex.Validate.AreEqual (aCurText, aRefText, validationMessage);
// Log overall success
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customLogMessageOverall))
customLogMessageOverall = "Successfully completed content-validation of web-table with provided snapshot of web-table (reference)";
Ranorex.Report.Log (ReportLevel.Success, customLogMessageOverall);
Public Sub Validate_WebTableContentEqual(repoItem As Ranorex.Adapter, filename_ReferenceTableSnapshot As String, customLogMessageOverall As String, customLogMessageDetail As String)
' check if snapshot file exists
Ranorex.Validate.IsTrue(System.IO.File.Exists(filename_ReferenceTableSnapshot), String.Format("Checking existence of snapshot file: {0}", filename_ReferenceTableSnapshot))
Dim snap As ElementSnapshot
' ElementSnapshot.CreateFromFile is available starting with Ranorex 5.4.2
snap = Ranorex.Core.ElementSnapshot.CreateFromFile(filename_ReferenceTableSnapshot)
Throw New Ranorex.ValidationException("Snapshot could not be loaded from file")
End Try
' restore table from snapshot
Dim refTable As Ranorex.TableTag
refTable = snap.Element
Catch e As Exception
Throw New Ranorex.ValidationException("Table could not be created from snapshot.", e)
End Try
Dim tableAdapter As Ranorex.TableTag = repoItem.[As](Of Ranorex.TableTag)()
If tableAdapter Is Nothing Then
Throw New Ranorex.ValidationException("Repo-item could not be accessed.")
End If
Dim actTableRows As IList(Of TrTag) = tableAdapter.FindDescendants(Of TrTag)()
Dim rowCntAct As Integer = actTableRows.Count
Dim refTableRows As IList(Of TrTag) = refTable.FindDescendants(Of TrTag)()
Dim rowCntRef As Integer = refTableRows.Count
' check if rowcount is identical
Ranorex.Validate.AreEqual(rowCntAct, rowCntRef, "Comparing number of rows ({0} vs. {1})")
' run through table-rows
For iRow As Integer = 0 To actTableRows.Count - 1
Dim cellsInActRow As IList(Of Ranorex.WebElement) = actTableRows(iRow).FindChildren(Of Ranorex.WebElement)()
Dim cellsInRefRow As IList(Of Ranorex.WebElement) = refTableRows(iRow).FindChildren(Of Ranorex.WebElement)()
' check if number of cells is identical in current row
Ranorex.Validate.AreEqual(cellsInActRow.Count, cellsInRefRow.Count, "Comparing number of cells in current row ({0} vs. {1})")
' run through cells in current row
For iCol As Integer = 0 To cellsInActRow.Count - 1
Dim aCurText As String = New WebElement(cellsInActRow(iCol)).InnerText
Dim aRefText As String = New WebElement(cellsInRefRow(iCol)).InnerText
Dim validationMessage As String = String.Empty
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(customLogMessageDetail) Then
validationMessage = [String].Format("Comparing content of cell ({2}/{3}) (found:'{0}', expected: '{1}')", aCurText, aRefText, iRow, iCol)
validationMessage = customLogMessageDetail
End If
' validate whether current text and expected text are identical
Ranorex.Validate.AreEqual(aCurText, aRefText, validationMessage)
' Log overall success
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(customLogMessageOverall) Then
customLogMessageOverall = "Successfully completed content-validation of web-table with provided snapshot of web-table (reference)"
End If
Ranorex.Report.Log(ReportLevel.Success, customLogMessageOverall)
End Sub
Advanced validation – file (text-based)
This sample shows how the content of a text-based file can be validated. The content of the file will be compared with the content of a reference-file. Therefore the filename of the file to validate needs to be provided as well as the filename of a reference-file.
public void Validate_FileTextEqual(string filePath_Expected, string filePath_Current, string customLogMessage)
// prepare log messages
const string fileNotFoundMessage = "File not found for comparison in Validate_FileContentEqual: {0}";
const string logMessage = "Comparing content of files ({0} vs. {1})";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customLogMessage))
customLogMessage = string.Format(logMessage, filePath_Expected, filePath_Current);
// check if file exists
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filePath_Current))
throw new Ranorex.RanorexException(string.Format(fileNotFoundMessage, filePath_Current));
// check if referencing file exists
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filePath_Expected))
throw new Ranorex.RanorexException(string.Format(fileNotFoundMessage, filePath_Expected));
// check if filenames are identical
if (filePath_Expected.Equals(filePath_Current))
Ranorex.Validate.IsTrue(true, customLogMessage);
string current = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filePath_Current);
string expected = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filePath_Expected);
// validate whether expected value equals to current value
Ranorex.Validate.AreEqual(current, expected, customLogMessage);
Public Sub Validate_FileTextEqual(filePath_Expected As String, filePath_Current As String, customLogMessage As String)
' prepare log messages
Const fileNotFoundMessage As String = "File not found for comparison in Validate_FileContentEqual: {0}"
Const logMessage As String = "Comparing content of files ({0} vs. {1})"
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(customLogMessage) Then
customLogMessage = String.Format(logMessage, filePath_Expected, filePath_Current)
End If
' check if file exists
If Not System.IO.File.Exists(filePath_Current) Then
Throw New Ranorex.RanorexException(String.Format(fileNotFoundMessage, filePath_Current))
End If
' check if referencing file exists
If Not System.IO.File.Exists(filePath_Expected) Then
Throw New Ranorex.RanorexException(String.Format(fileNotFoundMessage, filePath_Expected))
End If
' check if filenames are identical
If filePath_Expected.Equals(filePath_Current) Then
Ranorex.Validate.IsTrue(True, customLogMessage)
Dim current As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filePath_Current)
Dim expected As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filePath_Expected)
' validate whether expected value equals to current value
Ranorex.Validate.AreEqual(current, expected, customLogMessage)
End If
End Sub
Advanced validation – file (not-text-based, binary)
This sample shows how a non text-based file (binary file) can be validated. The content of the file will be compared with the content of a reference-file. Therefore the filename of the file to validate needs to be provided as well as the filename of a reference-file.
public void Validate_FileBinaryContentEqual(string filePath_Expected, string filePath_Current, string customLogMessage)
// prepare log messages
const string fileNotFoundMessage = "File not found for comparison in Validate_FileContentEqual: {0}";
const string logMessage = "Comparing content of files ({0} vs. {1})";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customLogMessage))
customLogMessage = string.Format(logMessage, filePath_Expected, filePath_Current);
// check if file exists
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filePath_Current))
throw new Ranorex.ValidationException (string.Format(fileNotFoundMessage, filePath_Current));
// check if referencing file exists
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filePath_Expected))
throw new Ranorex.ValidationException(string.Format(fileNotFoundMessage, filePath_Expected));
// check if filenames are identical
if (filePath_Expected.Equals(filePath_Current))
Ranorex.Validate.IsTrue(true, customLogMessage);
using (var file1 = new System.IO.FileStream(filePath_Current, System.IO.FileMode.Open))
using (var file2 = new System.IO.FileStream(filePath_Expected, System.IO.FileMode.Open))
// Check whether files are equal
Ranorex.Validate.IsTrue(StreamEquals(file1, file2), customLogMessage);
// compare file-streams
private static bool StreamEquals(System.IO.Stream stream1, System.IO.Stream stream2)
const int bufferSize = 2048;
byte[] buffer1 = new byte[bufferSize];
byte[] buffer2 = new byte[bufferSize];
while (true)
int count1 = stream1.Read(buffer1, 0, bufferSize);
int count2 = stream2.Read(buffer2, 0, bufferSize);
if (count1 != count2)
return false;
if (count1 == 0)
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < count1; i++)
if (buffer1[i] != buffer2[i])
return false;
Public Sub Validate_FileBinaryContentEqual(filePath_Expected As String, filePath_Current As String, customLogMessage As String)
' prepare log messages
Const fileNotFoundMessage As String = "File not found for comparison in Validate_FileContentEqual: {0}"
Const logMessage As String = "Comparing content of files ({0} vs. {1})"
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(customLogMessage) Then
customLogMessage = String.Format(logMessage, filePath_Expected, filePath_Current)
End If
' check if file exists
If Not System.IO.File.Exists(filePath_Current) Then
Throw New Ranorex.ValidationException(String.Format(fileNotFoundMessage, filePath_Current))
End If
' check if referencing file exists
If Not System.IO.File.Exists(filePath_Expected) Then
Throw New Ranorex.ValidationException(String.Format(fileNotFoundMessage, filePath_Expected))
End If
' check if filenames are identical
If filePath_Expected.Equals(filePath_Current) Then
Ranorex.Validate.IsTrue(True, customLogMessage)
Using file1 = New System.IO.FileStream(filePath_Current, System.IO.FileMode.Open)
Using file2 = New System.IO.FileStream(filePath_Expected, System.IO.FileMode.Open)
' Check whether files are equal
Ranorex.Validate.IsTrue(StreamEquals(file1, file2), customLogMessage)
End Using
End Using
End If
End Sub
' compare file-streams
Private Shared Function StreamEquals(stream1 As System.IO.Stream, stream2 As System.IO.Stream) As Boolean
Const bufferSize As Integer = 2048
Dim buffer1 As Byte() = New Byte(bufferSize - 1) {}
Dim buffer2 As Byte() = New Byte(bufferSize - 1) {}
While True
Dim count1 As Integer = stream1.Read(buffer1, 0, bufferSize)
Dim count2 As Integer = stream2.Read(buffer2, 0, bufferSize)
If count1 <> count2 Then
Return False
End If
If count1 = 0 Then
Return True
End If
For i As Integer = 0 To count1 - 1
If buffer1(i) <> buffer2(i) Then
Return False
End If
End While
End Function
Advanced validation – database (single field)
This sample shows how a database-field can be validated against a given text value. To access the database, a valid connection string needs to be provided as well as a valid SQL Statement. Please see the MSDN for more information on the OLE database connection.C#
public void Validate_DatabaseFieldWithQuery(string OLEConnectionString, string SQLQuery, string expectedValue, string customLogMessage)
// check is connection string is empty
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(OLEConnectionString))
throw new Ranorex.RanorexException("ConnectionString is empty");
// check if SQL statement is empty
if (SQLQuery.Trim().Equals(string.Empty))
throw new Ranorex.RanorexException("SQLQuery is empty");
// establish connection to database
using (System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection connection = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(@OLEConnectionString))
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand command = null;
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader SQLReader = null;
// set SQL statement and execute search
command = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand(SQLQuery, connection);
SQLReader = command.ExecuteReader();
// check if there is a result
if (SQLReader.FieldCount > 0)
// retrieve single result from SQL database
var actualValue = SQLReader.GetString(0);
// prepare log message
if (customLogMessage.Trim().Equals(string.Empty))
customLogMessage = "Actual value = '{0}', expected value = '{1}' (database query = " + SQLQuery + ")";
// compare retrieved value with expected value
Ranorex.Validate.AreEqual(actualValue, expectedValue, customLogMessage);
throw new Ranorex.RanorexException(string.Format("SQL statement did not return any results: {0}", SQLQuery));
Public Sub Validate_DatabaseFieldWithQuery(OLEConnectionString As String, SQLQuery As String, expectedValue As String, customLogMessage As String)
' check is connection string is empty
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(OLEConnectionString) Then
Throw New Ranorex.RanorexException("ConnectionString is empty")
End If
' check if SQL statement is empty
If SQLQuery.Trim().Equals(String.Empty) Then
Throw New Ranorex.RanorexException("SQLQuery is empty")
End If
' establish connection to database
Using connection As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(OLEConnectionString)
Dim command As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand = Nothing
Dim SQLReader As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader = Nothing
' set SQL statement and execute search
command = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand(SQLQuery, connection)
SQLReader = command.ExecuteReader()
' check if there is a result
If SQLReader.FieldCount > 0 Then
' retrieve single result from SQL database
Dim actualValue = SQLReader.GetString(0)
' prepare log message
If customLogMessage.Trim().Equals(String.Empty) Then
customLogMessage = "Actual value = '{0}', expected value = '{1}' (database query = " & SQLQuery & ")"
End If
' compare retrieved value with expected value
Ranorex.Validate.AreEqual(actualValue, expectedValue, customLogMessage)
Throw New Ranorex.RanorexException(String.Format("SQL statement did not return any results: {0}", SQLQuery))
End If
End Try
End Using
End Sub
Advanced validation – database (entire table)
This sample shows how the content of a database can be validated. Using it you can check against an entire table, a database view or against every result of an SQL statement. Thus a valid SQL statement as well as a valid connection string has to be provided to allow access to the database. Please see the MSDN for more information on establishing an OLE database connection.
Additionally, the filename of a csv-file needs to be passed in as a parameter. This file is acts as a reference and should contain the expected values. If the values in the file are separated differently than using the semicolon (“;”), please use the parameter “csvSeparator” to pass it in.
public void Validate_DatabaseTableWithQuery(string OLEConnectionString, string SQLQuery, string referenceCSVTable, string csvSeparator, string customLogMessageOverall, string customLogMessageDetail)
// check if reference file exists
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(referenceCSVTable))
throw new Ranorex.RanorexException(string.Format("File does not exist: {0}", referenceCSVTable));
// check if connection string is empty
if (OLEConnectionString.Trim().Equals(string.Empty))
throw new Ranorex.RanorexException("ConnectionString is empty");
// check if SQL statement is empty
if (SQLQuery.Trim().Equals(string.Empty))
throw new Ranorex.RanorexException("SQLQuery is empty");
// prepare separator for csv file (if not passed in)
char separator;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(csvSeparator))
separator = ';';
separator = csvSeparator[0];
// establish database connection
using (System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection connection = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(@OLEConnectionString))
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand command = null;
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader SQLReader = null;
System.IO.StreamReader CSVReader = null;
// set SQL statement and execute search
command = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand(SQLQuery, connection);
SQLReader = command.ExecuteReader();
// open csv file (reference file)
CSVReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(System.IO.File.OpenRead(@referenceCSVTable));
// run through every line in file
int iRow = 0;
while ((SQLReader.Read()) && (!CSVReader.EndOfStream))
// read line from csv file
var line = CSVReader.ReadLine();
// split line into array of values
var values = line.Split(separator);
// check if number of values equals (in current row of csv file and in SQL result)
if (values.Length != SQLReader.FieldCount)
throw new Ranorex.RanorexException(string.Format("Number of fields in SQL query and reference-file does not match ({0} vs. {1})", values.Length + 1, SQLReader.FieldCount));
// run through every field in SQL result
for (int iFields = 0; iFields <= SQLReader.FieldCount - 1; iFields++)
var expectedValue = values[iFields];
var actualValue = SQLReader[iFields].ToString();
// prepare log message
string validationMessage = string.Empty;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customLogMessageDetail))
validationMessage = String.Format("Comparing content of cell ({2}/{3}) (found:'{0}', expected: '{1}')", actualValue, expectedValue, iRow, iFields);
validationMessage = customLogMessageDetail;
// validate if actual value and expected value are equal
Ranorex.Validate.AreEqual(actualValue, expectedValue, customLogMessageDetail);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customLogMessageOverall))
customLogMessageOverall = "Successfully validated SQL Table with given SQL-Statement against content of given CSV file";
// Log success
Ranorex.Report.Log(Ranorex.ReportLevel.Success, customLogMessageOverall);
Public Sub Validate_DatabaseTableWithQuery(OLEConnectionString As String, SQLQuery As String, referenceCSVTable As String, csvSeparator As String, customLogMessageOverall As String, customLogMessageDetail As String)
' check if reference file exists
If Not System.IO.File.Exists(referenceCSVTable) Then
Throw New Ranorex.RanorexException(String.Format("File does not exist: {0}", referenceCSVTable))
End If
' check if connection string is empty
If OLEConnectionString.Trim().Equals(String.Empty) Then
Throw New Ranorex.RanorexException("ConnectionString is empty")
End If
' check if SQL statement is empty
If SQLQuery.Trim().Equals(String.Empty) Then
Throw New Ranorex.RanorexException("SQLQuery is empty")
End If
' prepare separator for csv file (if not passed in)
Dim separator As Char
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(csvSeparator) Then
separator = ";"C
separator = csvSeparator(0)
End If
' establish database connection
Using connection As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(OLEConnectionString)
Dim command As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand = Nothing
Dim SQLReader As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader = Nothing
Dim CSVReader As System.IO.StreamReader = Nothing
' set SQL statement and execute search
command = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand(SQLQuery, connection)
SQLReader = command.ExecuteReader()
' open csv file (reference file)
CSVReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(System.IO.File.OpenRead(referenceCSVTable))
' run through every line in file
Dim iRow As Integer = 0
While (SQLReader.Read()) AndAlso (Not CSVReader.EndOfStream)
' read line from csv file
Dim line = CSVReader.ReadLine()
' split line into array of values
Dim values = line.Split(separator)
' check if number of values equals (in current row of csv file and in SQL result)
If values.Length <> SQLReader.FieldCount Then
Throw New Ranorex.RanorexException(String.Format("Number of fields in SQL query and reference-file does not match ({0} vs. {1})", values.Length + 1, SQLReader.FieldCount))
End If
' run through every field in SQL result
For iFields As Integer = 0 To SQLReader.FieldCount - 1
Dim expectedValue = values(iFields)
Dim actualValue = SQLReader(iFields).ToString()
' prepare log message
Dim validationMessage As String = String.Empty
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(customLogMessageDetail) Then
validationMessage = [String].Format("Comparing content of cell ({2}/{3}) (found:'{0}', expected: '{1}')", actualValue, expectedValue, iRow, iFields)
validationMessage = customLogMessageDetail
End If
' validate if actual value and expected value are equal
Ranorex.Validate.AreEqual(actualValue, expectedValue, customLogMessageDetail)
iRow += 1
End While
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(customLogMessageOverall) Then
customLogMessageOverall = "Successfully validated SQL Table with given SQL-Statement against content of given CSV file"
End If
' Log success
Ranorex.Report.Log(Ranorex.ReportLevel.Success, customLogMessageOverall)
End Try
End Using
End Sub
Advanced validation – XML code
This sample shows how XML code can be validated with Ranorex. The method below awaits the XML code snippet as a parameter and an XPath expression in the parameter ‘node’. This XPath expression selects the node to validate. Please provide the expected value as well in the parameter ‘expectedValue’.
Use case and example: This method might be useful to validate the result of a web service in XML format. Assuming an online library provides a web service allowing to gather detailed information of books when submitting a unique ISBN. The result from the web service is in XML format and contains information like author, title, year of publication and more of the found book. The XML result (see sample XML code further below) can now be validated using the code method with the following call:
// call method to validate xml code
Validate_XMLResponse(xml, "books/book/@title", "Ranorex Test Automation Guide", "Validating result of web service request ({0} vs. {1})");
' call method to validate xml code
Validate_XMLResponse(xml, "books/book/@title", "Ranorex Test Automation Guide", "Validating result of web service request ({0} vs. {1})")
public void Validate_XMLResponse(string xmlContent, string node, string expectedValue, string customLogMessage)
string actualValue = string.Empty;
// check if xml content is empty
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlContent))
throw new Ranorex.ValidationException ("Parameter 'xmlContent' is empty");
// check if node (XPath) is empty
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(node))
throw new Ranorex.ValidationException("Parameter 'node' is empty");
// check if expected value is empty
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(expectedValue))
throw new Ranorex.ValidationException("Parameter 'expectedValue' is empty");
System.Xml.XmlDocument document = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
// load XML from text in xml file
//select the node with given argument (XPath)
System.Xml.XmlNode desiredNode = document.SelectSingleNode(node);
if (desiredNode != null)
actualValue = desiredNode.InnerText;
throw new Ranorex.ValidationException(string.Format("No node found with XPath '{0}'!", node));
catch (System.Xml.XmlException)
throw new Ranorex.ValidationException("Unable to load valid XML string!");
// prepare log file
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customLogMessage))
customLogMessage = "Comparing XML response ({0} vs. {1})";
// validate if expected value and actual value are equal
Ranorex.Validate.AreEqual(expectedValue, actualValue, customLogMessage);
VB.NETPublic Sub Validate_XMLResponse(xmlContent As String, node As String, expectedValue As String, customLogMessage As String)
Dim actualValue As String = String.Empty
' check if xml content is empty
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlContent) Then
Throw New Ranorex.ValidationException("Parameter 'xmlContent' is empty")
End If
' check if node (XPath) is empty
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(node) Then
Throw New Ranorex.ValidationException("Parameter 'node' is empty")
End If
' check if expected value is empty
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(expectedValue) Then
Throw New Ranorex.ValidationException("Parameter 'expectedValue' is empty")
End If
Dim document As New System.Xml.XmlDocument()
' load XML from text in xml file
'select the node with given argument (XPath)
Dim desiredNode As System.Xml.XmlNode = document.SelectSingleNode(node)
If desiredNode IsNot Nothing Then
actualValue = desiredNode.InnerText
Throw New Ranorex.ValidationException(String.Format("No node found with XPath '{0}'!", node))
End If
Catch generatedExceptionName As System.Xml.XmlException
Throw New Ranorex.ValidationException("Unable to load valid XML string!")
End Try
' prepare log file
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(customLogMessage) Then
customLogMessage = "Comparing XML response ({0} vs. {1})"
End If
' validate if expected value and actual value are equal
Ranorex.Validate.AreEqual(expectedValue, actualValue, customLogMessage)
End Sub
Sample XML code
This sample XML code allows you to implement the sample from above.
<book title="Ranorex Test Automation Guide" author="Ranorex" year="2014">