DesignWise has a few sample models available for users to learn more about the tool. Let’s learn how to access them.
Starting Out
Log in to DesignWise and click “Sample Models” in the left navigation menu. A variety of sample test models are included in DesignWise.
They are provided to help you understand different aspects of designing better tests. Sample models with small numbers of Parameters tend to be highly-simplified instructional examples. The ones with higher numbers of Parameters tend to involve more complex Systems Under Test.
Since the sample models themselves are not editable, you can make a copy to explore and edit. Experimenting by making changes to the models is a good way to learn.
Advice for Learning from Sample Models
1) Copy each sample model to enable editing
Sample Models are “view only” by default, but copying any of them will allow you to edit and interact with the model. You’ll learn more, and faster, that way.
2) Explore!
Visit the major screens in different Sample Models:
- Parameters
- Rules
- Scenarios
- Scripts
- Analysis
Clicking around a bit and making changes to a few sample models is a great way to quickly learn about how DesignWise works!
DesignWise is a different kind of tool with different features compared to other software testing tools that you might be familiar with, so don’t panic if features don’t look familiar. It’s normal to be a little confused at first. We’ve designed a series of certifications and support articles to help you increase your test design skills, understand features, and – most importantly – become a more knowledgeable and powerful software tester.
3) Pay attention to what makes sets of DesignWise tests different
DesignWise will not only help you create tests much faster, it will also help you create much better tests than test scenarios you would be able to select by hand. They will be more varied, less repetitive, and leave significantly fewer gaps in coverage.
DesignWise Difference #1: Generating optimized test sets with DesignWise takes only seconds
Count how many seconds it takes you to generate new sets of test scenarios once you have identified an appropriate set of test inputs. Faster test scenario selection is the most obvious benefit that DesignWise delivers to testers.
Having said that, most experienced users value other benefits more. For example, the benefit of much more thorough testing coverage that comes from optimized test sets.
DesignWise Difference # 2: DesignWise tests always automatically minimize wasteful repetition; DesignWise tests are as varied as possible:
The 10 test scenarios above are very different from most manual sets of test scenarios. Most manually-selected sets of test scenarios, for example, would either have far more scenarios that test similar paths through the system (e.g., Coach Class with 1 Adult flying from the United States multiple times) or simply contain far more unspecified values (often due to testers selecting the same value in test after test).
DesignWise Difference #3: Manually-selected test sets tend to leave many accidental gaps in coverage; DesignWise tests do not leave any:
You can easily examine testing coverage achieved by your DesignWise-generated tests in your models. Simply go to the “Analysis” screen and click on the “Coverage Matrix” option to see the coverage achieved by your optimized tests. Unlike manually-selected sets of test scenarios, DesignWise-generated tests will not accidentally leave gaps in coverage.
Read the notes that are included in the Sample Models to gain additional insights
Finally, be sure to check the “Notes” for some useful comments and links. This icon is present next to the Model Name at the top.