This explains how to use “Bulk Edit,” a cool feature of DesignWise.
Let’s say you have a set of test inputs like these…
… but then you realize, “Doh! I forgot to include a couple of important test inputs!”
Frequent Flier Status: Gold, Silver, Not applicable
Seat Preference: None, Selected
If you didn’t know about the Bulk Edit feature, you would probably start by doing this…
But then it would appear at the bottom of your list of Parameters. Bummer. You’d need to move it up by hovering over the Parameter name, clicking on the up arrow, again… clickety-clickety-click, until finally the Frequent Flier Status appears where you’d like it.
With that side-quest complete, you could then click on the Parameter name “Destination” to edit its Parameter Values, add “Do Not Select” as a Value, and click on “Add.” Not exactly a tortuous process, but you can be more clever and speederific.
Instead, click on the “Bulk Edit” toggle and edit your test inputs LIKE A BOSS
Clicking on this little toggle will magically transform those two input windows into this delightfully quick-to-edit single text window.
Editing couldn’t be easier nor faster.
See what we did there? Do you want “Frequent Flier Status” to be the first Parameter to appear? Boom. Done. Instant gratification!
At the same time, please pay attention to the trade-offs.
Changing the name of a parameter or value in Bulk Edit mode would cause DesignWise to recognize the edited parameter or value as a completely new entry – triggering a message warning you about the potential loss of constraints/requirements/value expansions.
Typing in new parameter names through Bulk Edit won’t give you access to the auto-suggested list of already-created, reusable parameters that you see when adding parameters through the standard Edit mode. You also can’t create value expansions from the Bulk Edit window.
So in order to achieve the best value, use a combination of both the Edit and Bulk Edit capabilities.
So what are you waiting for? Take the training wheels off already! Click on “Bulk Edit,” follow the format “Parameter[Value 1, Value 2, Value 3, … , Value n]” shown above, press “ctl-S” on the keyboard (or just click “Save”), and you’re off to the races! Cut and paste text with ease to rearrange things. Leave those DesignWise newbies sitting by you in the dust with your newly acquired speed skills!