When using image-based testing, it’s often necessary or useful to edit the captured screenshots for better results. Ranorex Studio has a simple built-in image editor for this purpose.
Start the image editor
To start the image editor:
In the actions table, click the breadcrumbs … next to a screenshot.
The image editor opens, displaying the screenshot.
Image editor functions
Select image find region: Select a region in the image by dragging a rectangle. This region is what Ranorex Studio will try to find during test execution.
Select image ignore region: Select one or more regions by dragging a rectangle. Ranorex Studio will ignore these regions when trying to find the image region during test execution.
Autoselect image find region: Click an area to auto-select a viable image find region.
Zoom in/out: Lets you zoom in and out. Press the middle button to reset the zoom to 100 %.
Crop function: First click the Select image find region button and specify a region. Then click the crop button to crop the image to that region.
New screenshot: Let you add another screenshot. Useful if something changes in the UI. When adding a new screenshot, it will be stored under the respective repository item along with the previous screenshot. Use the drop-down menu to choose between available screenshots.
Open screenshot from file: Same as adding a new screenshot, except that you browse to an existing file on your computer.