On this page, find practical examples that show what a RanoreXPath expression for a specific scenario could look like.
Test example definition
All examples on this page are based on the Ranorex Studio Demo application. Most of them use the tab UI-element test area in this application.
UI-element test area tab in the Ranorex Studio demo Application
Download the Ranorex Studio Demo Application
Follow the link below to download the file. Then unzip it and start the application.
File: Ranorex Studio Demo Application
Identify a simple button and generalize its RanoreXPath
Here we show you how to identify a simple button in a user interface and then generalize the corresponding RanoreXPath expression to match any button.
In Ranorex Spy, track the Exit button in the UI-element test area in the demo app.
After tracking, Spy shows the following:
The automatically generated RanoreXPath for the Exit button.
The tree browser shows that the Exit button is a child of the root UI element
. -
The Exit button is identified by the attribute-value pair
The Spy status bar (bottom left corner) confirms one UI element found.
Generalize the RanoreXPath
Generalizing a RanoreXPath expression means making it less detailed. This can increase robustness.
The current example shows how to generalize the RanoreXPath so that the Exit button is only identified by its button
role. We do this by removing the button’s attribute. Since the Exit button is the only button at this level in the element tree, it will still be identified correctly and its RanoreXPath is more robust against UI changes.
In Spy, click into the RanoreXPath line, delete the attribute
, and press Enter.
Spy shows the following:
The generalized RanoreXPath with only the
role. -
The tree browser shows the Exit button as a child of the root element.
The path editor view represents the generalized RanoreXPath specification.
One UI element (for example, the Exit button) has been found.
Change the identifying attribute
When tracking a UI element, Ranorex Studio automatically generates the RanoreXPath and therefore also determines identification attributes automatically. You can of course change the attribute by which a UI element is identified in a RanoreXPath.
- Track the Exit button in the UI-element test area in the demo app.
- Click into the RanoreXPath line, then switch to the Path Editor.
- Select the node whose attribute you want to change, for example, the button in this example.
- On the left, check/uncheck the desired attributes, for example, deselect controlname and select controltext instead for this example. The RanoreXPath is adjusted automatically.
The automatically determined controlname attribute was deselected and replaced with the controltext attribute.
The RanoreXPath reflects this change.
The path editor view also reflects this change.
The message in the status bar indicates that one element was found for this RanoreXPath.
Wildcards can make a RanoreXPath more resistant to changes in the structure of the UI.
/? (any optional)
Track the entire UI-element test area in the demo application.
Ranorex Spy will show the following:
The root element is represented in the first fixed part of the RanoreXPath expression.
The middle UI element TabPageList is not represented. Instead, two
wildcards replace it to make the path more robust. This is the wildcard part of the RanoreXPath. -
The final node is the target UI element, for example, the entire UI-element test area tab page. It is the second fixed part of the RanoreXPath.
Interpret the RanoreXPath
The 3 target element is a descendant of the 1 root element with a total of either 2 zero, one, or two UI elements between them on two different tree levels.
// (any descendants)
It may often be necessary to identify elements whose “depth” in the UI we don’t know. Any descendants wildcard allows you to circumvent all the intermediate nodes between the root note and the final node.
- Enter the following RanoreXPath expression in the tree browser in Ranorex Spy:
The first part of the RanoreXPath expression represents the root node, for example, the demo app window. This is the first fixed node.
The second part is the any descendants wildcard. It is the wildcard node.
The third part is the final node that represents the target UI element. In this case, this is any UI element with the role
. The expression identifies all radio buttons that are descendants of the root element.
Spy shows the following results for this RanoreXPath: -
The RanoreXPath is represented in the path editor.
The tree browser displays seven radio buttons on two different levels (level 3 and level 4).
The status message confirms 7 elements found.
/* (any)
If you know at what “depth” in the UI an element is you want to identify and the intermediate nodes are irrelevant, then the any wildcard is a good choice for making your RanoreXPath more robust.
The first part of the RanoreXPath expression represents the root node, for example, the demo app window. This is the first fixed node.
The second part consists of three wildcards, representing any three UI elements on three different levels. This is the wildcard part of the expression.
The third part is the final node that represents the target UI element. In this case, this is any UI element with the role
. The expression identifies all radio buttons that are exactly three levels below the root element.
Spy shows the following results for this RanoreXPath: - The RanoreXPath is represented in the path editor. Each of the wildcard operators represents one level below the root element.
The tree browser shows five
elements exactly three levels below the root element. Any radio buttons at other levels are not identified. -
The status message confirms five found UI elements.
Make RanoreXPath expressions more detailed
RanoreXPath expressions can often be too general, resulting in too many or incorrect UI elements being identified. In these cases, you need to make the expression more detailed.
General RanoreXPath
For our example, let’s first create a very general RanoreXPath. We’ll simply identify all buttons in the UI-element test area tab of the Ranorex Studio Demo Application.
In Spy, enter the following RanoreXPath and press Enter.
The RanoreXPath is represented in the path editor.
The tree browser shows 17 identified buttons.
The status message confirms 17 found UI elements.
Introduce more details
Seventeen buttons are too many. We need to make the RanoreXPath more detailed. We do so by adding an attribute to the button. In this case, we use the visible
attribute to identify only buttons that are not hidden.
Change the last part of the RanoreXPath as follows and press Enter.
The new RanoreXPath is represented in the path editor.
The tree browser shows 15 buttons.
The status message confirms 15 UI elements found.
Even more details
It only reduced the number of buttons by two, so is needed to narrow down the RanoreXPath further. To do so, we can add another attribute and combine it with the previous one using the and
Change the last part of the RanoreXPath as follows and press Enter:
The RanoreXPath as represented in the path editor, now showing two attributes.
The tree browser now shows two UI elements.
The status message confirms two UI elements found.
The more detailed RanoreXPath expression now only identifies the two buttons shown below.
Select UI elements based on tree position
When a RanoreXPath identifies more than one element, you can select from among them by specifying their position in the element tree.
In Ranorex Spy, enter the following RanoreXPath and press Enter.
The RanoreXPath as represented in the path editor. The position operator
added after the predicate selects the second element from two elements identified by the preceding RanoreXPath. -
The tree browser only shows the second UI element.
The status message confirms one found element.
In the UI of the demo app, this identifies the button Button 1.
Identify tree view items
Tree views are a common UI element. Here we’ll explain how Ranorex Studio identifies UI elements in them.
In Ranorex Spy, click the Track button.
In the UI-element test area in the demo app, click the Web and mobile testing tree item.
Ranorex Spy shows the following:
The RanoreXPath for the tree item.
Ranorex Studio automatically inserted two ‘any optional’ wildcards (
) to increase robustness. -
The element tree in Spy shows the tree item Web and mobile testing as a descendant of the tree view.
Subitems in tree views
In Ranorex Spy, click the Track button.
In the UI-element test area in the demo app, click the Endpoints tree item that is a child of the Web and mobile testing item.
Ranorex Spy shows the following:
The RanoreXPath for the tree item. Note that the subtree item is identified in the same way as its parent, i.e. by its role and an attribute.
The ancestor tree view in its entirety serves as a fixed node.
Any tree items between the fixed node and the final node are bypassed by any descendants
operator. -
The subtree item Endpoints is identified regardless of how many ancestor tree items it has.
Identify tree siblings with axes
When you want to identify the sibling(s) of a tree item, you can do so by using axes. Axes allow you to specify nodes relative to a specific node. We’ll illustrate this by using the following-sibling
In Ranorex Spy, enter the following RanoreXPath and press Enter.
The RanoreXPath with the added axis
after the part that identifies the Endpoints tree item. This axis means identifies all UI elements that have the roletreeitem
and are below the Endpoints tree item on the same level in Spy’s element tree. -
The RanoreXPath as represented in the path editor.
The tree browser in Spy displays the tree item Mobile testing, which is the only sibling of the Endpoint item.
- The identification process is illustrated in the UI of the demo app. The RanoreXPath first identifies the Endpoints item and then progresses to the Mobile testing item, which is the following sibling.
Identify items in tables
Here it explains how to identify items in tables works with RanoreXPath.
Test definition
This example shows how to robustly identify the cell that contains the age of the person named Thomas Bach in the table of the UI-element test area in the demo app. This means that you need to identify both the cell that contains the name Thomas and, proceeding from it, the cell that contains the corresponding age.
The row with the details for Thomas Bach.
The cell that contains the age of Thomas Bach. We want to create a RanoreXPath that identifies it robustly.
Identify the name cell with an absolute RanoreXPath
First, we’ll identify the cell that contains the name Thomas. A simple way is to just track the cell and generate an absolute RanoreXPath to it as in the image below.
Absolute RanoreXPath for the marked cell.
The RanoreXPath identifies the cell with predicate
@accessiblename='FirstName Row3'
, which reflects the cell’s position in the table. This is the cell that currently has the value Thomas. -
The identified UI element in the element tree in Spy.
Not robust against changes
The absolute RanoreXPath has its limitations here. When the table changes, the name in the identified cell may not be Thomas anymore, e.g. when you sort the table differently or shuffle it.
Shuffling the table cell arrangement shows that…
…the absolute RanoreXPath leads to wrong results, as it only cares about the cell position, not the name Thomas.
Specify cell content in the RanoreXPath
Instead of identifying the cell by its accessiblename (which is based on its position), we can use the attribute text. This attribute refers to the text in a cell.
This is still not a robust solution, however, as there are two cells with the text Thomas.
The narrowed cell with two attributes forms the RanoreXPath predicate.
Only one cell is identified – the Thomas cell in the column FirstName.
Going from absolute to relative
Now that it was robustly identified the cell contains the first name, Thomas, look at identifying the corresponding cell that holds Thomas’s age.
Now, you have to make the path relative. This means that the parent
axis (abbreviated: ..
) is used to navigate from an anchor point (the Thomas cell) back to the row and from there to the age cell in that row. This ensures the age cell is tied to the position of the Thomas cell and therefore always identified correctly.
The relative RanoreXPath with the parent axis and the age cell being identified by its accessiblename.
This identifies the cell with the age of Thomas Bach (42) correctly.