Instant tracking works by pressing Ctrl + WIN. This way of tracking is particularly useful to quickly add multiple repository items from Ranorex Studio or Spy without repeatedly using the Track button.
Test example definition
To explain tracking with Instant tracking, we use the Test database of the Ranorex Studio Demo Application. The UI element that is tracked is one of the list elements in the Department drop-down menu.
The Test database tab in the demo application.
The test database working environment with the Department drop-down menu.
Instant tracking
Start Ranorex Studio and create a new blank solution.
Start the demo application and click the Test database tab.
Click the Department drop-down menu.
Mouse over the list element you want to track.
to track the list element.
Tracking mechanism
- You can use instant tracking if Ranorex Spy is started or if you have a recording module or repository file opened in Ranorex Studio.
- You can instantly track as many UI elements as you want in one go. You don’t need to switch back to Ranorex Studio or Spy.