Learn how to manage your organization’s instance and the users given the workflows possible with the Admin role.
Signing Up
While our dev team would often register the first designated admin(s), we will also cover the account self-registration process in this article.
Starting at the home page of the instance, you need to click the “Sign Up” link in the top right:
That opens a fairly standard dialog where you need to provide the name, the email domain approved for your organization, the password, and to agree to the terms of service (you have to click the “Legal Terms” link in order to enable the checkbox):
Once you are provisioned with the Admin role (the initial assignment for at least 1 user is handled by our team), you will be able to navigate to the portal using the link in the DesignWise home screen, under your account dropdown:
You will land on the User Management dashboard:
You can navigate back to the main working space by clicking the DesignWise logo in the top left:
On the landing page, you can see the following elements:
“Users” dropdown contains 2 options –
- “User Management” (aka the landing screen itself) showcases the activity statistics both at the instance and at the individual levels.
- “Invite User” allows you to manually add users one-by-one to your organization, without the need for them to sign up. This can also be accomplished by the green button on the right side.
“Customize” includes the “Export Fields” feature which allows you to determine the fields & formats of the export options like Xray, Zephyr, ALM, etc.
Organization details displays the license information, where you can edit only the approved domains, and the summary of users by period.
Statistics Table reflects the name and the email associated with the account, dates of creation and last login, cumulative usage metrics, and the allowed actions (for users other than yourself) – Enable/Disable and Make/Remove Organization Admin. You can filter the table by either Name or Email or both. You can sort it by any column other than Actions.
Workflow #1: Manage Users & Domains
From the Actions column in the table, the highlighted link allows you to designate someone else as the Admin (in which case they can perform all the same workflows described in this article) or revoke such privileges.
The second link is for disabling users – either for the reason of license seat limitations or them leaving the company or any other. You can choose to enable those users later – they will keep all their assets intact.
For quicker differentiation, the disabled users will be highlighted in red, the admin ones – in purple, and the regular ones will have the white background.
Lastly, you can edit the email domains associated with the access to your organization:
The field appearing after the click expects the comma-separated list, with the part after the “@” symbol without including it.
Workflow #2: Invite User
Leveraging either of the options described in 1b for the User Management dashboard above leads to this dialog:
It is intended for sending a direct link to a single person with the email domain matching the list defined for your organization. The invitee will not need to follow the standard sign-up route, using the link and the brief instructions from the email instead.
Workflow #3: Manage Export Configurations
From the “Customize” dialog in the top left of the landing page, first, you would define the list of available options on the Export Configurations tab:
At this step, you just need to decide on the configuration name and the target export framework. You can update the default options to match your needs, but we generally recommend keeping them as-is for reference purposes.
You can have multiple configurations for the same target export if, e.g., teams have diverse options for relevant metadata columns.
Then, for a given configuration, you would define the list of fields, their format, and potential values:
The image shows the sample Xray configuration
There are 3 field types available:
- “Populated automatically” – depending on your scripting in DesignWise (Manual or Automate), certain core elements like Step Description or Gherkin Scenario Steps will be pulled from the source and will not be editable in the export dialog itself.
- “Alternate Name” allows changing the displayed column name after export, which can make the mapping setup for test management tools easier.
- “Naming Convention” and “Example” for the Test Name can provide the template tooltip for syntax rules.
- Text – fairly standard string field that can be left blank or specified with the default value.
- Dropdown – can handle the single selection with the options separated by commas (you can refer to the tooltips in the 4th column header for syntax guidance).
Each field can be made mandatory or optional using the second column with the checkboxes (this will not affect the export of fields populated automatically). Finally, you can reorder fields using the indices in the first column.
Keep in mind that you need to click “Update” for any adjustments to take effect.